Bachelor of Science in Physics - Business Option

Wellness Requirement
APPH 1040Scientific Foundations of Health2
or APPH 1050 The Science of Physical Activity and Health
or APPH 1060 Flourishing: Strategies for Well-being and Resilience
Institutional Priority
CS 1301Introduction to Computing3
or CS 1371 Computing for Engineers
Mathematics and Quantitative Skills
MATH 1552Integral Calculus4
Political Science and U.S. History
HIST 2111The United States to 18773
or HIST 2112 The United States since 1877
or INTA 1200 American Government in Comparative Perspective
or POL 1101 Government of the United States
or PUBP 3000 American Constitutional Issues
Communicating in Writing
ENGL 1101English Composition I3
ENGL 1102English Composition II3
Arts, Humanities, and Ethics
Any HUM 6
Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences
PHYS 2211Introductory Physics I 14
PHYS 2212Introductory Physics II 64
MATH 1551Differential Calculus2
MATH 1553Introduction to Linear Algebra2
or MATH 1554 Linear Algebra
or MATH 1564 Linear Algebra with Abstract Vector Spaces
Social Sciences
ECON 2106Principles of Microeconomics3
Any SS6
Field of Study
MATH 2551Multivariable Calculus4
MATH 2552Differential Equations4
CHEM 1310Principles of General Chemistry for Engineers4
or CHEM 1211K Chemical Principles I
PHYS 2213Introduction to Modern Physics3
PHYS 3201Classical Mechanics I3
Upper-Level Physics
PHYS 3122Electrostatics and Magnetostatics3
PHYS 3123Electrodynamics3
PHYS 3141Thermodynamics3
PHYS 3143Quantum Mechanics I3
PHYS 4142Statistical Mechanics3
PHYS 4143Quantum Mechanics II3
PHYS 4321Advanced Laboratory I3
PHYS 4601Senior Seminar I1
PHYS 4602Senior Seminar II1
Physics or Technical Electives
Any PHYS or Technical Electives 2, 3,4,517
Business Option
ACCT 2101Accounting I: Financial Accounting3
or MGT 3000 Financial and Managerial Accounting
MGT 3101Organizational Behavior3
or MGT 3150 Principles of Management
or PSYC 2220 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Choose one of the following:6
Financial Management
Finance and Investments
Marketing Management I
International Business
Advanced Managerial Accounting
Financial Reporting and Analysis I
International Accounting
Strategic Quality Management and Competitiveness
The Entrepreneurship Forum
Impact Speaker Series Forum
Servant Leadership, Values & Systems
Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Personal Selling and Sales Management
Strategic Brand Management
Strategic Marketing
International Marketing
Law, Management, and Economics
Free Electives
Free Electives7
Total Credit Hours122

Student must have 2.0 in all PHYS classes 3000-level or higher


If PHYS 2231 is taken, extra hour goes toward Free Electives


Any PHYS course or CHEM 3411, CHEM 3412, CHEM 3511, EAS 2750, EAS 4300, EAS 4430, MATH 2106, MATH 3215, MATH 3235, MATH 4320, MATH 4347 MATH 4348, MATH 4581, NRE 3301, NRE 4610


Minimum of one class in PHYS 3208, PHYS 3209, PHYS 4322


Maximum of six credit hours below 3000-level


Maximum of nine credit hours PHYS 2699 or PHYS 4699


If PHYS 2232 is taken, extra hour goes toward Free Electives