School of Cybersecurity and Privacy

Cybersecurity and privacy have become keys factors during the digital transformation of our economy and society. The School of Cybersecurity and Privacy develops a holistic approach to education for these fields, preparing students in the areas of technology, business, policy, and practice.
Technical skills in specialties such as cloud security, cryptography, cyber-physical systems, forensics, and malware are paired with learning about regulatory requirements, including those in public policy and law.
Students are able to choose from some of the most pressing applications of cybersecurity and privacy in society, including: election systems; social media; internet infrastructure and web security; cyber warfare; hardware security; network and communications system security; and machine-to-machine trust.

The School of Cybersecurity and Privacy is Georgia Tech's first intercollege academic unit. SCP has an administrative home in the College of Computing but draws faculty from Computing, Engineering, the School of Public Policy, the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Scheller College of Business, and Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI).

The Master of Science cybersecurity (both on-campus and online) offers tracks in information security, public policy, and cyber-physical systems. Ph.D. students in computer science can choose a focus area in cryptography or information security as part of their studies.

Undergraduates pursuing the bachelor's degree in computer engineering can choose the thread in cybersecurity, which teaches the fundamentals of secure system design and cyber defense. Undergrads in computer science combine threads to match their career interests and can take courses in cybersecurity. The CS threads that align most closely with cybersecurity include: Devices; Information Internetworks; and Systems and Architecture, but one can build a cybersecurity background with any of the CoC threads.

Along with these offerings, the School of Cybersecurity and Privacy is committed to future courses and degrees that bolster cybersecurity and privacy undergraduate education across Georgia Tech. SCP is integrating the education programming for students and professionals at all skill levels to address a growing demand from every sector of the modern digital economy for these skills.

Master's Degrees

Doctoral Degrees