Master of Science in Cybersecurity

The Master of Science in Cybersecurity degree program requires 32 credit hours of coursework (including a 5 credit practicum project course), Two of the core courses, which students in each specialization will take, will provide a broad overview of technology and policy dimensions of cybersecurity. Students are required to take a third core course that comes from one of the other specializations; e.g., a policy specialization student must take a course from the cyber-physical or information security track. Finally, a practicum project (5 credit hours) with common learning objectives across all participating units will be a core requirement. Each participating unit will decide required and elective courses for the MS Cybersecurity degree specialization offered by it (a total of 18 credit hours). These requirements have been defined by the participating units and are described in the next section.

Although all three participating schools will offer a single degree, MS Cybersecurity, the focus of the degree will depend on the specialization defined by the offering unit. In particular, each unit will offer the following specializations for the MS degree in Cybersecurity.

  • The School of Cybersecurity and Privacy (SCP) offers the MS Cybersecurity degree with an information security specialization.
  • The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) offers the MS Cybersecurity degree with cyber-physical systems specialization.
  • The School of Public Policy (PUBP) offers the MS cybersecurity degree with a policy specialization.

Program of Study

Required Core Courses:
CS 6035Introduction to Information Security3
PUBP/CS/MGT 6725Information Security Policies and Strategies3
CS/ECE/PUBP 6727Cyber Security Practicum5
Elective courseCS/PUBP/ECE 6000-level 13
Specialization Requirements (see below for specialization specific requirements)18
Total Credit Hours32

Public Policy students must take CS or ECE elective

GPA/Grade Requirements:

  • Students must achieve a grade-point average of at least 3.0 to graduate
  • No course grades below 'C' will count toward graduation
  • Students must take all master's degree coursework on a letter-grade basis
Information Security Specialization:
CS 6260Applied Cryptography3
CS 6238Secure Computer Systems3
CS 6262Network Security3
CS 6265Information Security Laboratory3
or CS 6264 Information Security Lab: System and Network Defenses
Any graduate level CS numbered courses 16
Total Credit Hours18

Any graduate level CS numbered courses (CS 6xxx or CS 7xxx). CS 8803 courses require program coordinator approval. No more than one CS 8903 can be used to satisfy this requirement.

Cyber-Physical Systems Specialization:
Select 4 Courses:12
Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust
Power Systems Control and Operation
Cyber-Physical Security in Electric Energy Systems
Special Topics (Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems Security)
Special Topics (Cybersecurity of Drones)
Special Topics (Cyber Physical Design and Analysis)
Select 2 courses:6
Linear Systems and Controls
Computer Communication Networks
Sensor Networks
Dependable Distributed Systems
Power System Protection
Special Topics (Advanced Computer Security)
Special Topics (Network Forensics)
Special Topics (Smart Grids)
Advanced Topics in Malware Analysis
Advanced Computer Architecture
Statistical Machine Learning
Methods of Pattern Recognition with Application to Voice
Autonomous Control of Robotic Systems
Networked Control and Multiagent Systems
Random Processes
Computer Network Security
Network Security
Wireless Networks
Sensor Networks
Medical Image Processing
Information Processing Models in Neural Systems
Fault Tolerant Computing
Special Topics (Empirical Computer Security)
Special Topics (Side Channels and Their Role in Cybersecurity)
Special Topics-Laboratory (Parallel Programming for FPGAs)
Intro to Cyber-Physical Systems Security
Special Topics (Critical Infrastructure Security)
Total Credit Hours18
Policy Specialization:
Select 4 courses:12
Special Topics (Security Operations and Incident Response)
Scenario Writing and Path Gaming
International Security
Data Analytics and Security
Privacy, Technology, Policy, and Law
Internet and Public Policy
Information Policy and Management
Information and Communications Technology Policy
Electives 16
Total Credit Hours18

Free electives which may be satisfied by courses from any of the specializations

The Master of Science in Cybersecurity is also offered online.

For more information, visit: Online Master of Science in Cybersecurity.