Office of the President


Ángel Cabrera

Executive Leadership Team

Chaouki T. Abdallah
Executive President for Research

Daren Hubbard
Interim Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance and Interim Chief Business Officer

Steven W. McLaughlin
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Frank Neville
Senior Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Chief of Staff

President's Cabinet

J Batt
Director of Athletics

Skye Duckett
Vice President and Chief Human Resources Office

Archie W. Ervin
Vice President for Institute Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Jim Fortner
Vice President for Finance and Planning and Interim Chief Financial Officer

Danette Joslyn-Gaul
General Counsel and Vice President for Ethics, Compliance, and Legal Affairs

Luoluo Hong
Vice President for Student Engagement and Well-Being

Jen Howe
Vice President for Development

Leo Howell
Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer

James Hudgens
Senior Vice President and Director of GTRI

Laurence Jacobs
Senior Vice Provost for Education and Learning

Bert Reeves
Vice President of Institute Relations

Louise Russo
Interim Vice President of Institute Communications and Assistant Vice President of Strategic Marketing