
The courses listed below carry the Georgia Tech-specific Ethics attribute. While some courses (as designated) meet Humanities or Social Science requirements, not all of the courses listed below will meet Core Curriculum (general education) requirements. Additionally, some programs may require specific courses that address their ethics degree requirements. These specific courses may or may not appear on the list below. Check with the major school accordingly. 

Any course that is to be assigned the Ethics attribute must receive approval from the Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee GenEd and Policy Subcommittee, the Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, and the Academic Senate. Courses that are considered for approval to carry the Ethics attribute must address the Ethics Attribute Learning Outcomes in the course syllabus. 

The learning outcomes for the ethics attribute are broadly crafted to accommodate ethical principles and applications across disciplines.

Course proposals should include learning outcomes that reflect these broad institution-level statements but are contextualized to reflect disciplinary principles and course level content.  

To carry the Georgia Tech-specific ethics attribute, a course must demonstrate alignment of course level objectives, content, and assessments with each of the following:  

  1. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in real-world contexts.
  2. An ability to assess actions or decisions based on established ethical principles and theories, or through deliberative processes.
  3. An ability to consider the implications of actions, both broadly (e.g. global, economic, environmental, or societal) and for individuals.
BIOS 4651Bioethics3
CHBE 4515Chemical Process Safety1
CS 4001Computing, Society, and Professionalism3
CS 4726Privacy, Technology, Policy, and Law3
HTS 1081Engineering in History3
HTS 2061Traditional Asia and Its Legacy3
HTS 2084Technology and Society3
HTS 2100Sci, Tech & Modern World3
HTS 3032Modern European Intellectual History3
INTA 2030Ethics in International Affairs3
LMC 3219Literature and Medicine3
LMC 3304Science, Technology, and Gender3
LMC 3318Biomedicine and Culture3
MGT 3608Technology Law and Ethics3
MGT 4047Ethics & Accounting3
MGT 4726Privacy, Technology, Policy, and Law3
NS 4322Naval Leadership and Ethics3
PHIL 3105Ethical Theories3
PHIL 3109Engineering Ethics3
PHIL 3127Science, Technology, and Human Values3
PHIL 3140Philosophy of Food3
PHIL 3180Biomedical Ethics3
PHIL 4176Environmental Ethics3
PSYC 1101Introduction to General Psychology3
PSYC 2015Research Methods4
PSYC 2210Social Psychology3
PSYC 2220Industrial/Organizational Psychology3
PSYC 2230Abnormal Psychology3
PSYC 2240Personality Theory3
PSYC 2270Introduction to Engineering Psychology3
PSYC 3031Experimental Analysis of Behavior4
PSYC 4050History and Systems3
PSYC 4270Psychological Testing3
PUBP 3244Stem Cell Science, Policy, and Ethics3
PUBP 3600Sustainability, Technology, and Policy3
PUBP 4630Law, Medicine, and Ethics3
PUBP 4726Privacy, Technology, Policy and Law3