Literature, Media & Comm (LMC)

LMC 6213. Edu Applications New. 3 Credit Hours.

This course introduces students to a variety of perspectives on learning as they apply to work in educational technology. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6213 and LCC 6213.

LMC 6215. Issues in Media Studies. 3 Credit Hours.

This course focuses on the study of mass media from historical, theoretical, and cultural perspectives. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6215 and LCC 6215.

LMC 6310. The Computer as an "Expressive Medium". 3 Credit Hours.

Explores the development of the representational power of the computer and the interplay between digital technology and culture. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6310 and LCC 6310.

LMC 6311. Visual Culture and Design. 3 Credit Hours.

Explores visual media through a mutually instructive and integrated interplay between critical analyses and the creation of digital artifacts. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6311 and LCC 6311.

LMC 6312. Design, Technology & Representation. 3 Credit Hours.

Explores historical, cultural, and theoretical issues raised by technologies of representation through critical analyses and the creation of digital artifacts. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6312 and LCC 6312.

LMC 6313. Principles of Interaction Design. 3 Credit Hours.

Explores visual media through a mutually instructive and integrated interplay between critical analyses and the creation of digital artifacts. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6313 and LCC 6313.

LMC 6314. Design of Networked Media. 3 Credit Hours.

Issues in hypertextual and multimedia design in networked environments, including the World Wide Web, interactive television, and wireless applications. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6314 and LCC 6314.

LMC 6315. Product Production. 3 Credit Hours.

Focuses on defining user and client needs, analysis of competing products, budgeting, scheduling and management of the production process, and the design of the testing process. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6315 and LCC 6315.

LMC 6316. Historical Approaches to Digital Media. 3 Credit Hours.

Examines digital media in the context of earlier media, such as handwriting and printing as well as photography, radio, film, and television. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6316 and LCC 6316.

LMC 6317. Interactive Narrative/Fiction. 3 Credit Hours.

Students create interactive fictions in a variety of formats including intersecting story worlds, interactive characters, simulations, and replay worlds. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6317 and LCC 6317, LMC 6317 and LCC 4720, or LMC 6317 and LMC 4720.

LMC 6318. Experimental Media. 3 Credit Hours.

Students will develop the critical, intellectual, and creative tools necessary to understand, work with, and reimagine design at the developmental stages of emerging technologies. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6318 and LCC 6318.

LMC 6319. Intellectural Property Policy and Law. 3 Credit Hours.

Students examine constitutionally informed policy and pragmatic legal issues in intellectual property law, focusing on the effects of power structures and information digitization. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6319 and LCC 6319.

LMC 6320. Globalization and New Media. 3 Credit Hours.

Historical and theoretical approach to the connections between modes of global integration and modes of representing information. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6320 and LCC 6320.

LMC 6321. Architecture of Responsive Spaces. 3 Credit Hours.

Historical and theoretical approach to the connections between modes of global integration and modes of representing information. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6321 and LCC 6321.

LMC 6322. Global Intellectual Property Policy and Law. 3 Credit Hours.

This course requires that students gain facility with intellectual property statutory and treaty law and understand US and global policies that affect power and access.

LMC 6325. Game Design and Analysis. 3 Credit Hours.

Focused topics in the theory and practice of game design, theory, and analysis, including issues of creation, and reception, such as a single sub-genre, procedural technique, or media tradition. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6325 and LCC 6325, LMC 6325 and LCC 4725, or LMC 6325 and LMC 4725.

LMC 6330. Expressive Virtual Space. 3 Credit Hours.

Practical and theoretical investigation of virtual space in real-time 3D environments with a focus on meditation and functionality. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6330 and LCC 6330.

LMC 6340. Mixed Reality Experience Design. 3 Credit Hours.

This course introduces students to the design of digital experienced for education and entertainment using Augmented Reality, Tangible Computing, or other forms of Mixed Reality. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6340 and LCC 6340/LMC 4733/CS 6770/4770.

LMC 6350. The spatial construction of meaning: Design formulation and design cognition. 3 Credit Hours.

Study of the way in which space is manipulated to construct meaning in design formulation. Emphasis on logical structure, geometry, and experiential correlates. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6350 and LCC 6350.

LMC 6360. Global Ethnographies and Communication Practices. 3 Credit Hours.

This course employs ethnographic methods to examine how the creation of visual, textual and digita; artifacts can be understood as practices of intercultural communication.

LMC 6362. Transnational Networks. 3 Credit Hours.

In this course, we will look at the historical and theoretical implications of the networked construction of the Atlantic World, and the legacies it has left for contemporary global protest and liberation movements.

LMC 6363. Culture of Empire. 3 Credit Hours.

This course focuses upon empires of the nineteenth-century and contemporary post-colonial responses to European colonization. Central issues include immigration, globalization, nationalism, imperial subjectivity, and belonging.

LMC 6366. Global Science Fiction. 3 Credit Hours.

Explores how authors and critics across the globe use science fiction to communicate experiences with science and technology across centuries, continents, and cultures.

LMC 6367. Literary and Cultural Theory. 3 Credit Hours.

Concentration on a single literary or cultural theorist and/or major school of literary or cultural theory, including, among others, Materialist, Feminist, Structuralist, Post-Structuralistm Cultural Studies.

LMC 6368. Global Cinema. 3 Credit Hours.

This course examines significant movements, styles, and trends in world cinema, with an emphasis on how the global nature of contemporary film affects cultural representation.

LMC 6399. Discovery & Invention. 3 Credit Hours.

Required course for all DM majors. The purpose of this course is to give students a suite of methods they can use in professional settings to discover opportunities for inventive new computational products and services. It complements the design and production skills developed in 6310 and 6313 with applied research skills. For students in the MS DM and MS HCI programs it will also help them in the development of their MS proposals. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6399 and LCC 6399.

LMC 6650. Project Studio. 3 Credit Hours.

This course offers students the opportunity to work on focused research within existing long-term projects of the New Media(NM) Center.

LMC 6743. STS Core Seminar. 3 Credit Hours.

This survey course covers key works Science, Technology & Society, and guest lectures introduce students to faculty doing STS-related research across the Ivan Allen College. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6743 and LCC 6743, LMC 6743 and HTS 6743, or LMC 6743 and PUBP 6743.

LMC 6748. Social Justice, Critical Theory, and Philosophy of Design. 3 Credit Hours.

Focuses on social justice from a Science, Technology, and Society(STS) point of view that is informed by critical theory and philosophy of design. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6748 and LCC 6748 or LMC 6748 and PUBP 6748.

LMC 6749. Feminist Theory and STS. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is an advanced science, technology and society (STS) seminar in feminist theory. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6749 and LCC 6749 or LMC 6749 and PUBP 6749.

LMC 6753. Human-Computer Interaction Professional Preparation and Practice. 1 Credit Hour.

Preparation for a professional career in HCI. Hands-on workshops in resume and portfolio building, interviewing, public speaking, team work. HCI career choices and trajectories.

LMC 6770. Mixed Reality Design. 3 Credit Hours.

This course introduces students to mixed reality design and prototyping with a focus on Augmented Reality. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 6770 and CS 4770.

LMC 6800. Digital Media Master's Project. 3 Credit Hours.

Final project course in Digital Media.

LMC 6998. HCI Master's Project. 1-9 Credit Hours.

Final project for students completing a Human-Computer Interaction master's degree in the Digital Media track. Repeatable for multi-semester projects.

LMC 6XXX. Literature, Media, & Communication Elective. 1-21 Credit Hours.

LMC 7000. Digital Media Master's Thesis. 1-21 Credit Hours.

Final Thesis course in Digital Media.

LMC 7999. PhD Qualifying Prep. 1-21 Credit Hours.

Preparation for Ph.D. Qualifying exam.

LMC 8000. Proseminar in Media Theory. 3 Credit Hours.

Key traditions of media theory that contribute to the study of Digital Media. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 8000 and LCC 8000.

LMC 8001. Proseminar in Digital Media Studies. 3 Credit Hours.

Advanced work in production and critique of new media forms. Students cannot receive credit for LMC 8001 and LCC 8001.

LMC 8801. Special Topics. 1 Credit Hour.

Topic of current interest not covered in the regular course offerings.

LMC 8803. Special Topics in Digital Media. 3 Credit Hours.

Special Topics in Digital Media.

LMC 8813. Advanced Issues in Interactive Narrative. 3 Credit Hours.

Advanced Issues in Interactive Narrative.

LMC 8823. Special Topics in Game Design and Analysis. 3 Credit Hours.

Advanced topics in the theory and practice of game design, theory, and analysis, including creation, reception, procedural technique, and tradition.

LMC 8831. Special Topics in Technologies of Representation. 1 Credit Hour.

Special Topics in Technologies of Representation.

LMC 8903. Special Problems in Human-Computer Interaction. 1-3 Credit Hours.

Small-group of individual investigation of advanced topics in human-computer interaction. Guided study and research.

LMC 8910. Special Problems in Information Design and Technology. 1-21 Credit Hours.

An independent study course.

LMC 8997. Teaching Assistantship. 1-9 Credit Hours.

For graduate students holding teaching assistantships.

LMC 8998. Research Assistantship. 1-9 Credit Hours.

For graduate students holding research assistantships.

LMC 8999. PhD Doctoral Prep. 1-21 Credit Hours.

Doctoral Thesis Prep in Digital Media.

LMC 9000. Doctoral dissertation in Digital Media. 1-21 Credit Hours.

Doctoral Dissertation.