Music (MUSI)
MUSI 1801. Special Topics. 1 Credit Hour.
MUSI 2010. Fundamentals of Musicianship I. 3 Credit Hours.
First semester of integrated sequence in music theory, aural training, music technology, and music literature.
MUSI 2011. Fundamentals of Musicianship II. 3 Credit Hours.
Second semester of integrated sequence in music theory, aural training, music technology, and music literature.
MUSI 2012. Fundamentals of Musicianship III. 3 Credit Hours.
The third semester of integrated sequence in music theory, aural training, music technology, and music literature; focused on advanced theory, history, and technology topics.
MUSI 2013. Fundamentals of Musicianship IV. 3 Credit Hours.
The fourth semester of integrated sequence in music theory, aural training, music technology, and music literature; focused on comprehensive and innovative music discussions.
MUSI 2015. Laptop Orchestra. 3 Credit Hours.
Analysis, rehearsal, creation, and performance of music for laptop orchestra.
MUSI 2100. History of Popular Music: 1960–Present. 3 Credit Hours.
History of Pop music from 1960–present. American, European, and Afro-diasporic music explored in context with political and socioeconomic structures. Includes creation of original music.
MUSI 2525. Introduction Audio Technology I. 3 Credit Hours.
Critical understanding of, and hands-on experience with the fundamentals of analog audio technology. Topics include signals and systems, electro-acoustics, sound effects, synthesis and music protocols.
MUSI 2526. Introduction to Audio Technology II. 3 Credit Hours.
Critical understanding of, and hands-on experience with the fundamentals of digital audio technology. Topics include sampling, quantization, digital effects, music information retrieval and audio coding.
MUSI 2698. Undergraduate Research Assistantship. 1-12 Credit Hours.
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
MUSI 2699. Undergraduate Research. 1-12 Credit Hours.
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
MUSI 2700. Introduction to Music Theory. 3 Credit Hours.
Introduction to music theory including basic notation, scales, key signatures, trials, roman numeral analysis, and voice leading in four-part harmony.
MUSI 3018. Marching Band. 2 Credit Hours.
This course will prepare various traditional and contemporary music for scheduled performances throughout the semester in support various athletic events and School of Music concerts.
MUSI 3019. Pep Band. 1 Credit Hour.
This course will prepare a variety of traditional and contemporary music for scheduled performances throughout the semester in support of various athletic events and School of Music concerts.
MUSI 3121. Concert Band. 1 Credit Hour.
An advanced instrumental ensemble performing traditional and contemporary wind literature. Offered to all students with woodwind, brass, or percussion experience. Audition required.
MUSI 3131. Symphonic Band. 1 Credit Hour.
An advanced instrumental ensemble performing traditional and contemporary wind literature. Offered to all students with woodwind, brass, or percussion experience. Audition required.
MUSI 3231. Chamber Choir. 1 Credit Hour.
An auditioned mixed ensemble focused upon the rehearsal, study and performance of choral music. Repertoire varies from various style eras and genres.
MUSI 3241. Chorale. 1 Credit Hour.
A non-auditioned mixed ensemble focused upon the rehearsal, study and performance of choral music. Repertoire varies from various style eras and genres.
MUSI 3251. Glee Club. 1 Credit Hour.
A non-auditioned male ensemble focused upon the rehearsal, study and performance of choral music. Repertoire varies from various style eras and genres.
MUSI 3261. Treble Choir. 1 Credit Hour.
A non-auditioned TREBLE ensemble focused upon the rehearsal, study and performance of choral music. Repertoire varies from various style eras and genres.
MUSI 3311. Jazz Ensemble. 1 Credit Hour.
Jazz Ensemble explores music from the 1920's to the present, focusing on ensemble playing and improvisation.
MUSI 3321. Jazz Combo. 1 Credit Hour.
Jazz Combos explore small group jazz focusing on ensemble playing and improvisation.
MUSI 3411. Chamber Ensemble. 1 Credit Hour.
An advanced ensemble performing traditional and contemporary chamber ensemble literature. Audition and permit required.
MUSI 3450. Survey of Music Technology. 3 Credit Hours.
Creative practices and technical pursuits in the inherently interdisciplinary world of music technology. Hands-on projects which explore key concepts, essential tools, and creative techniques.
MUSI 3511. Percussion Ensemble. 1 Credit Hour.
An advanced instrumental ensemble performing traditional and contemporary percussion literature. Offered to all students with percussion experience. Audition required.
MUSI 3531. New Music Ensemble. 1 Credit Hour.
An advanced instrumental chamber ensemble that performs new and contemporary literature often using technology. Offered to all students with advanced performing experience. Audition required.
MUSI 3541. Electronic Percussion Ensemble. 1 Credit Hour.
An advanced instrumental ensemble performing percussion literature using student designed and built instruments, interfaces and software, as well as commercially available controllers. Offered to all students with percussion experience. Audition required.
MUSI 3551. Rock and Pop Ensemble. 1 Credit Hour.
A contemporary popular music ensemble performing historical and current popular music. Offered to all students with advanced performing experience. Audition required.
MUSI 3611. Symphony Orchestra. 1 Credit Hour.
An advanced instrumental ensemble performing traditional and contemporary literature. Offered to all students with string, woodwind, brass, or percussion experience. Audition required.
MUSI 3621. Musicians & their Music. 3 Credit Hours.
An historical survey of music, including analytical listening and cultural context. No prior experience needed.
MUSI 3630. The History of Jazz, the Roots and Evolution of an American Musical Art Form. 3 Credit Hours.
The history of the American musical art form, Jazz, from its roots within African American work songs through fusion and new directions in jazz.
MUSI 3770. Project Studio: Technology. 4 Credit Hours.
Thematic project in music technology driven by a foundational research question.
MUSI 3771. Project Studio:Analysis. 4 Credit Hours.
Thematic project connecting music theory, musicology, performance practice and musicianship through intensive study of a single musical genre or composer.
MUSI 3801. Special Topics. 1 Credit Hour.
Special ad hoc courses or projects not included in regular course offerings.
MUSI 3802. Special Topics. 2 Credit Hours.
Special ad hoc courses or projects not included in regular course offerings.
MUSI 3803. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Special ad hoc courses or projects not included in regular course offerings.
MUSI 4450. Integrating Music Into Multimedia. 3 Credit Hours.
Techniques for effectively utilizing music and audio in the context of digital multimedia.
MUSI 4455. Streaming Media. 3 Credit Hours.
To familiarize students with tools and techniques for the creation, production, distribution, and aesthetic analysis of audio, video, and live events for Internet and Internet2 dissemination.
MUSI 4456. Music Technology History and Repertoire. 3 Credit Hours.
Overview of the history, aesthetics, and technology of electronic and computer music over the past century through selected readings, musical analysis, and individual research projects. Credit will not be awarded for both MUSI 4456 and MUSI 6003.
MUSI 4457. Audio Content Analysis. 3 Credit Hours.
The course will survey fundamental techniques in the fast-growing area of Music Information Retrieval (MIR). Credit will not be awarded for both MUSI 4457 and MUSI 6201.
MUSI 4458. Computer Music Composition. 3 Credit Hours.
Realization of individual composition projects in music technology and consideration of related theory, aesthetics, and repertoire. Credit will not be awarded for both MUSI 4458 and MUSI 6304.
MUSI 4459. Digital Signal Processing for Music. 3 Credit Hours.
This course will cover elements of digital audio signal processing, such as spectra, digital filters, Fourier analysis and their application to music synthesis and analysis. Credit will not be awarded for both MUSI 4459 and MUSI 6202.
MUSI 4460. Computational Music Analysis: Symbolic. 3 Credit Hours.
Introduction to computational music analysis for symbolic-music data, covering the main aspects of symbolic data representations, softwares and toolkits, and common methodologies in computational musicology.
MUSI 4630. Music Recording and Mixing. 3 Credit Hours.
Overview of concepts, techniques, hardware, and software used in audio production, as well as aesthetic concerns and considerations.
MUSI 4650. Music and Sound Design. 3 Credit Hours.
An investigation of principles and practice of audio and music design, in both contemporary digital and traditional analog systems.
MUSI 4670. Music Interface Design. 3 Credit Hours.
Theory and practice of designing and prototyping new forms of music interfaces, including percussion, haptic, and augmented traditional constructs.
MUSI 4677. Music Perception and Cognition. 3 Credit Hours.
The course will examine how humans process musical sound, covering the basics of the human auditory system and the experience of musical sound. Credit will not be awarded for both MUSI 4677 and MUSI 6001.
MUSI 4698. Undergraduate Research Assistantship. 1-12 Credit Hours.
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
MUSI 4699. Undergraduate Research. 1-12 Credit Hours.
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
MUSI 4705. Music Technology Capstone I. 4 Credit Hours.
Students will implement their broad theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding of music technology in a hands-on project, culminating in public presentation.
MUSI 4706. Music Technology Capstone II. 4 Credit Hours.
Students will implement their broad theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding of music technology in a hands on project, culminating in a public and industry presentation.
MUSI 4801. Special Topics. 1 Credit Hour.
Special ad hoc courses or projects not included in regular course offerings.
MUSI 4802. Special Topics. 2 Credit Hours.
Special ad hoc courses or projects not included in regular course offerings.
MUSI 4803. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Special ad hoc courses or projects not included in regular course offerings.
MUSI 4813. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Special ad hoc courses or projects not included in regular course offerings.
MUSI 4823. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Special ad hoc courses or projects included in regular course offerings.
MUSI 4833. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Special ad hoc courses or projects not included in regular course offerings.
MUSI 4843. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Special Topics in MUSI.