Psychology (PSYC)
PSYC 1101. Introduction to General Psychology. 3 Credit Hours.
A broad survey of the major topics in psychology including, but not limited to, research methodology, biological and social factors influencing behavior, development, learning, memory, personality, and abnormal.
PSYC 1XXX. Psychology Elective. 1-21 Credit Hours.
PSYC 2005. Exploring Multicultural Identities. 3 Credit Hours.
This course explores multicultural identities and key multicultural competencies needed to succeed in a global and international society.
PSYC 2012. Introduction to Research Methods. 3 Credit Hours.
Introduction to methods used in conducting research on human behavior. Experimental research emphasized, but course covers other methods and some statistics.
PSYC 2015. Research Methods. 4 Credit Hours.
Introduction to methods used in conducting research on human behavior. Experimental research emphasized, but course covers other methods and some statistics.
PSYC 2020. Psychological Statistics. 4 Credit Hours.
Introduction to probability and statistics as applied to psychological data. Tests for means, variances, correlation, ANVOA, and regression. Credit not allowed for both PSYC 2020 and PSYC 6022.
PSYC 2103. Human Development Over the Life Span. 3 Credit Hours.
An introductory, non-laboratory based examination of human development across the lifespan with an emphasis on typical patterns of physical, cognitive, and social development.
PSYC 2130. Introduction to Educational Psychology. 3 Credit Hours.
Introduction to Educational Psychology applies the basic principles of child and adolescent development to the study of teaching and learning.
PSYC 2210. Social Psychology. 3 Credit Hours.
Consideration of the behavior of individuals in social contexts, including interpersonal and group settings.
PSYC 2220. Industrial/Organizational Psychology. 3 Credit Hours.
An introduction to industrial/organizational psychology providing an overview of behavior in the workplace and psychology applied in industrial and organizational settings.
PSYC 2230. Abnormal Psychology. 3 Credit Hours.
This course surveys the spectrum of psychiatric disorders (symptoms, epidemiology, etiology, and treatment) and provides a perspective on adaptive functioning and psychological resilience.
PSYC 2240. Personality Theory. 3 Credit Hours.
Introduction to major approaches to personality theory.
PSYC 2250. Cross-Cultural Psychology. 3 Credit Hours.
This course provides students with an opportunity to learn about the similarities and differences in human behavior across cultures.
PSYC 2270. Introduction to Engineering Psychology. 3 Credit Hours.
Engineering psychology presented as an integral component in the design and evaluation of human-machine systems. Applied problems and general methodological questions are examined.
PSYC 2280. Psychology of Creativity and Art. 3 Credit Hours.
Evolutionary theories of art production and consumption; the psychology of aesthetics; psychological correlates of creative and artistic behavior.
PSYC 2595. Internship. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Psychology Undergraduate Internship for credit for freshman or sophomores, by permit only. The internship experience must be at a unit or agency approved by the School of Psychology.
PSYC 2695. Internship. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Psychology Undergraduate Internship for credit for freshman or sophomores, by permit only. The internship experience must be at a unit or agency approved by the School of Psychology.
PSYC 2698. Undergraduate Research Assistantship. 1-12 Credit Hours.
Independent research conducted under the guidance of the faculty member.
PSYC 2699. Undergraduate Research. 1-12 Credit Hours.
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
PSYC 2760. Human Language Processing. 3 Credit Hours.
Theories and research in psychlinguistics: how people comprehend and speak human languages. Includes speech perception, word recognition, parsing, sentence interpretation, word production, and sentence generation. Crosslisted with LING 2760.
PSYC 2801. Special Topics. 1 Credit Hour.
Special topics of current interest.
PSYC 2802. Special Topics. 2 Credit Hours.
Special topics of current interest.
PSYC 2803. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Special topics of current interest.
PSYC 2901. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Special problems of current interest.
PSYC 2902. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Special problems of current interest.
PSYC 2903. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Special problems of current interest.
PSYC 2XXX. Psychology Elective. 1-21 Credit Hours.
PSYC 3000. Science of Stress, Anxiety, and Happiness. 3 Credit Hours.
This course will cover the psychological and neuroscientific mechanisms underlying happiness and its relation to subjective health and well-being.
PSYC 3005. Mindfulness: Science and Practice. 3 Credit Hours.
This experiential course is an introduction to mindfulness where students will study the theory of mind-body awareness and apply principles to daily life.
PSYC 3009. Health Psychology. 3 Credit Hours.
This course is designed to provide a broad overview of the psychological influences on health and illness in our society.
PSYC 3011. Cognitive Psychology. 4 Credit Hours.
Exploration of the central aspects of human cognition including pattern recognition, attention, memory, language, categorization, problem solving, and decision making; phenomena and methods are stressed. Credit not allowed for both PSYC 3011 and PSYC 3012.
PSYC 3012. Introduction to Cognitive Psychology. 3 Credit Hours.
Examines the foundations of Cognitive Psychology including methods, analysis techniques and psychological theories involved in perception, attention, memory, problem solving, decision making, and language. Credit not allowed for both PSYC 3012 and PSYC 3011.
PSYC 3020. Biopsychology. 3 Credit Hours.
Neurophysiological, endocrinological, and biochemical bases of sensory and motor functioning, motivation, learning, memory, and behavior dysfunction.
PSYC 3031. Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 4 Credit Hours.
History, theory, and methods of behavior analysis. Topics include shaping, stimulus-stimulus and response-consequence contingencies, stimulus control, and choice.
PSYC 3040. Sensation and Perception. 3 Credit Hours.
An examination of how sensations and perceptions are processed by humans. Topics covered will include vision, hearing, the skin senses, taste, smell, and the vestibular senses.
PSYC 3041. Human Sensation and Perception. 4 Credit Hours.
An examination of human sensory systems and perceptual processes. For Psychology majors only.
PSYC 3100. Neuroscience of Mental Health. 3 Credit Hours.
This course will introduce the science of well-being and provide an in-depth examination of the neural mechanisms underlying well-being and various character strengths.
PSYC 3750. Human Computer Interface Design and Evaluation. 3 Credit Hours.
Human computer interface is considered in terms of user-system compatibility. Concepts in human factors and interface design are covered in relation to capabilities of both humans and computers. Crosslisted with CS 3750.
PSYC 3751. Introduction to User Interface Design. 3 Credit Hours.
Describes the characteristics of interaction between humans and computers and demonstrates techniques for the design and evaluation of user interfaces and computational systems.
PSYC 3790. Introduction to Cognitive Science. 3 Credit Hours.
Multidisciplinary perspectives on cognitive science. Interdisciplinary approaches to issues in cognition, including memory, language, problem solving, learning, perception, and action. Crosslisted with CS, PST, and ISYE 3790.
PSYC 3803. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Special Topics.
PSYC 3873. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Special Topics in Psychology.
PSYC 3XXX. Psychology Elective. 1-21 Credit Hours.
PSYC 4010. Human Abilities. 3 Credit Hours.
Introduction to differential psychology providing an overview of differences in humans. Topics such as abilities, temperament, and group differences (e.g., gender) are addressed.
PSYC 4011. Cognitive Psychology. 4 Credit Hours.
Exploration of the central aspects of human cognition including pattern recognition, attention, memory, language, categorization, problem solving, and decision making; phenomena and methods are stressed. Credit will not be awarded for both PSYC 4011 and PSYC 3011.
PSYC 4020. Biopsychology. 3 Credit Hours.
Neurophysiological, endocrinological, and biochemical bases of sensory and motor functioning, motivation, learning, memory, and behavior dysfunction. Credit will not be awarded for both PSYC 4020 and PSYC 3020 or PSYC 4020 and NEUR 3003.
PSYC 4025. Learning and Memory. 3 Credit Hours.
Research and applications concerning acqusition of new behavior and knowledge, including accounts based on classical and instrumental conditioning and information-processing models of memory and learning.
PSYC 4031. Applied Experimental Psychology. 4 Credit Hours.
Consideration of the applications of methods and data of experimental psychology. Understanding of human capabilities and limitations is applied to design of technology and environments.
PSYC 4041. Human Sensation and Perception. 4 Credit Hours.
An examination of human sensory systems and perceptual processes. Credit will not be awarded for both PSYC 4041 and PSYC 3041.
PSYC 4050. History and Systems. 3 Credit Hours.
A survey of the history, methods, and content of modern psychological theory, research, and application. Schools of psychology (e.g., structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, gestalt psychology) and central theories of psychology will be reviewed in their historical and philosophical context.
PSYC 4090. Cognitive Neuroscience. 3 Credit Hours.
Examination of the neural basis of cognitive function. Basic anatomy and methods are covered. Primary focus is on contemporary problems in the neurocognitive study of perception, memory, language, and attention, as well as disorders in these domains.
PSYC 4100. Behavioral Pharmacology. 3 Credit Hours.
An analysis of drug-behavior interactions with emphasis on basic pharmacology, role of contingencies in drug effects, mechanisms of drug dependency, drugs as stimuli, and basic neuropharmacology.
PSYC 4200. Advanced Topics in Cognitive Psychology. 3 Credit Hours.
An advanced survey in various topics in cognitive psychology. Topics will vary over time.
PSYC 4260. Psychology of Aging. 3 Credit Hours.
Survey of research concerned with the nature and causes of adult age differences in behavior.
PSYC 4270. Psychological Testing. 3 Credit Hours.
Fundamentals of psychological test construction (reliability and validity) and applications of intelligence, personality, and interest assessment. Topics will include theoretical, practical, ethical, and legal issues.
PSYC 4600. Senior Thesis I. 3 Credit Hours.
The first of a two course sequence in which selected students conduct original work under the direction of a faculty member. The student will produce a proposal for research that will be undertaken during the second course (PSYC 4601).
PSYC 4601. Senior Thesis II. 4 Credit Hours.
The second of a two course sequence in which selected students conduct original work under the direction of a faculty member.
PSYC 4690. Sensation and Perception: A Computational Perspective. 3 Credit Hours.
Explore advanced models of human brain and behavior, review the field's progress, and assess current approaches' strengths and limitations. Engage in hands-on group projects developing computational models.
PSYC 4695. Internship. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Psychology Undergraduate Internship for credit for juniors and seniors, by permit only. The internship experience must be at a unit or agency approved by the School of Psychology.
PSYC 4696. Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship. 0 Credit Hours.
Psychology teaching assistantship for pay under the guidance of a faculty member. Permit only.
Note: This course cannot count toward Psychology Electives or Free Electives.
PSYC 4697. Psychology Undergraduate Teaching Experience. 3 Credit Hours.
An introduction to teaching biology for undergraduate teaching assistants, with a focus on effective teaching, active engagement of students, and development of innovative classroom activities.
PSYC 4698. Undergraduate Research Assistantship. 1-12 Credit Hours.
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
PSYC 4699. Undergraduate Research. 1-12 Credit Hours.
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
PSYC 4740. Neuroethics. 3 Credit Hours.
This course considers the implications of neuroscience research on culture, society, the legal system, and on how individuals conceive of their nature as human beings.
PSYC 4745. Physics of Cognition. 3 Credit Hours.
The course delves into perception, memory, and learning through physical principles. Students study cognition's physical basis, modern neural recording, and data interpretation.
PSYC 4770. Psychology and Environmental Design. 3 Credit Hours.
Introduction of psychological concepts relevant to environmental design. Survey of selected methods for assessing human-made environments and development of design solutions to selected problems. Crosslisted with ARCH 4770.
PSYC 4790. Seminar in Cognitive Science. 3 Credit Hours.
A seminar-type course in cognitive science focusing on integrating and deepening students' cognitive science knowledge and skills. Topics include memory, language, problem solving, learning, perception, and action. Crosslisted with CS, PST, and ISYE 4790.
PSYC 4791. Integrative Project in Cognitive Science. 3 Credit Hours.
An integrative course in cognitive science focusing on the integration and use of concepts and skills from cognitive science. A different integrative project or set of projects will be taken on each semester; students will contribute on the basis of their background and skills. Crosslisted with CS, ISYE, and PST 4791.
PSYC 4792. Design Project in Cognitive Science. 3 Credit Hours.
Individual project with a cognitive science faculty member, designed as a supplement to the student's senior design project or thesis in their major area. Crosslisted with CS, ISYE, and PST 4792.
PSYC 4803. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Special topics or courses of an experimental nature.
PSYC 4813. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Special topics or courses of an experimental nature.
PSYC 4823. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Special topics or courses of an experimental nature.
PSYC 4833. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Special topics or courses of an experimental nature,
PSYC 4873. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
PSYC 4900. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Students engage in individual and group projects under the direction of a faculty member.
PSYC 4901. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Students engage in individual and group projects under the direction of a faculty member.
PSYC 4902. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Students engage in individual and group projects under the direction of a faculty member.
PSYC 4903. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Students engage in individual and group projects under the direction of a faculty member.
PSYC 4904. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Students engage in individual and group projects under the direction of a faculty member.
PSYC 4905. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Students engage in individual and group projects under the direction of a faculty member.
PSYC 4906. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Students engage in individual and group projects under the direction of a faculty member.
PSYC 4907. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Students engage in individual and group projects under the direction of a faculty member.
PSYC 4908. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Students engage in individual and group projects under the direction of a faculty member.
PSYC 4909. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Students engage in individual and group projects under the direction of a faculty member.
PSYC 4910. Special Problems. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Students engage in individual and group projects under the direction of a faculty member.
PSYC 4XXX. Psychology Elective. 1-21 Credit Hours.