Russian (RUSS)
RUSS 1001. Elementary Russian I. 4 Credit Hours.
Introduction to listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Russian and to the culture of Russian-speaking regions.
RUSS 1002. Elementary Russian II. 4 Credit Hours.
Continued listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Russian with further study of the culture of Russian-speaking regions.
RUSS 10X1. Trans Elementary Russian I. 3 Credit Hours.
RUSS 10X2. Trans Elementary Russian II. 3 Credit Hours.
RUSS 1250. Vampires and Memory of Stalinism in Post-Soviet Russia. 3 Credit Hours.
Gothic aesthetics in post-Soviet Russian and U.S. vampire fiction and films. Post-Soviet fiction and movies as a source for studying historical memory. Conducted in English.
RUSS 1692. Intensive Elementary Russian II. 3 Credit Hours.
Continues introduction to fundamental Russian grammar and development of four modalities -- speaking, reading, listening, and writing -- in intensive immersion environment in Russia. Credit not allowed for both RUSS 1692 and RUSS 1002.
RUSS 1811. Special Topics. 1 Credit Hour.
Topics of current interest in Russian.
RUSS 1813. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Topics of current interest in Russian.
RUSS 1814. Special Topics. 4 Credit Hours.
Topics of current interest in Russian.
RUSS 1821. Special Topics. 1 Credit Hour.
Topics of current interest in Russian.
RUSS 1XXX. Russian Elective. 1-21 Credit Hours.
RUSS 2001. Intermediate Russian I. 3 Credit Hours.
A rapid review of grammar with continued use of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Russian, all with a cultural emphasis.
RUSS 2002. Intermediate Russian II. 3 Credit Hours.
This course focuses on listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Russian in an introduction to literature and within a cultural context.
RUSS 2691. Intensive Intermediate Russian I. 3 Credit Hours.
Review and extension of basic grammar, intensive vocabulary- building, and development of idiom on the basis of conversation, reading, and writing activities (in Russia). Credit not allowed for both RUSS 2691 and RUSS 2001.
RUSS 2692. Intensive Intermediate Russian II. 3 Credit Hours.
Review and extension of basic grammar, intensive vocabulary- building, and development of idiom on the basis of conversation, reading, and writing activities (in Russia). Credit not allowed for both RUSS 2692 and RUSS 2002.
RUSS 2694. Internship Assistantship. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Modern Language Undergraduate Internship for pay for freshmen and sophomores, by permit only. The internship experience must be at a unit or agency approved by the School of Modern Language.
RUSS 2695. Undergraduate Internship. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Modern Language Undergraduate Internship for credit for freshmen and sophomores, by permit only. The internship experience must be at a unit or agency approved by the School of Modern Languages.
RUSS 2698. Undergraduate Research Assistantship. 1-12 Credit Hours.
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
RUSS 2699. Undergraduate Research. 1-12 Credit Hours.
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
RUSS 2811. Special Topics. 1 Credit Hour.
Topics of current interest in Russian.
RUSS 2813. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Topics of current interest in Russian.
RUSS 2821. Special Topics. 1 Credit Hour.
Topics of current interest in Russian.
RUSS 2XXX. Russian Elective. 1-21 Credit Hours.
RUSS 3001. Advanced Russian I. 3 Credit Hours.
First half of advanced courses in Russian conversation and composition. Discussion of controversial issues with the goal of self-expression in coherent paragraphs. Advanced grammar topics.
RUSS 3002. Advanced Russian II. 3 Credit Hours.
Second half of advanced courses in Russian conversation and composition. Discussion of controversial issues with the goal of self-expression in coherent paragraphs. Advanced grammar topics.
RUSS 3005. Russian for Heritage Speakers. 3 Credit Hours.
Russian-language communication skills for heritage speakers. Focus on grammar and orthography, stylistics of adult/professional communication. Reading, discussion and writing on contemporary topics. Taught in Russian. Credit will not be awarded for both RUSS 3005 and RUSS 3001.
RUSS 3222. The Russian Twentieth Century in Literature and Film. 3 Credit Hours.
Russian twentieth-century literature and film. Discussion of historical and cultural context, aesthetics, structure and meaning. Reading and discussion in English.
RUSS 3242. Urban Mythologies in Russian Literature. 3 Credit Hours.
Students analyze iconic texts that have been shaped by both Russian and non-Russian urban environments across generations. Conducted in English.
RUSS 3350. Russian and American Mass Cultures. 3 Credit Hours.
Trends, genres and youth movements existing in contemporary American and Russian mass culture area compared to distinguish important cultural differences and similarities. Conducted in English.
RUSS 3691. Intensive Advanced Russian. 3 Credit Hours.
Intensive development of aural/oral communication skills, capitalizing on a rich linguistic environment. Review and expansion of grammar, practiced in context. Focus on description, narration and comparison.
RUSS 3692. Advanced Reading and Composition for Business, Science and Technology. 3 Credit Hours.
Advanced reading and writing skills. Study of syntax enables more sophisticated paragraph structure. Readings include newspaper texts on current affairs, business, science and technology.
RUSS 3695. Contemporary Russia. 3 Credit Hours.
General introduction to political, cultural, social, and historical background of Russian domestic and foreign politics. Lectures in English. Discussion section and research project in Russian.
RUSS 3698. Russia Yesterday and Today. 1 Credit Hour.
Lecture and discussion of a range of problems confronting Russian society today and the depth of their connection to Russia's historical heritage. Taught in English.
RUSS 3803. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Permits a group of students and a professor to pursue areas of the Russian language not extensively treated in other courses in the department.
RUSS 3811. Special Topics. 1 Credit Hour.
RUSS 3812. Special Topics. 2 Credit Hours.
Topics of current interest in Russian.
RUSS 3813. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Permits a group of students and a professor to pursue areas of the Russian language not extensively treated in other courses in the department.
RUSS 3823. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Permits a group of students and a professor to pursue areas of the Russian language not extensively treated in other courses in the department.
RUSS 3833. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Topics of current interest in Russian.
RUSS 3XXX. Russian Elective. 1-21 Credit Hours.
RUSS 4300. Imperial Imagination Through Literature and Film. 3 Credit Hours.
This course examines how Russian, Soviet, and post-Soviet culture constructed the representations of the parts of the former Russian/Soviet empire. Taught in Russian.
RUSS 4320. Nineteenth-Century Russian Writers. 3 Credit Hours.
Trends and paradigms in Russian literature from Pushkin to Chekhov. Conducted in Russian.
RUSS 4335. Technology, Society, and Culture in the Soviet Union and Russia. 3 Credit Hours.
Problems of sustainability, ecology, medicine, industrial development, and technological progress as manifested in Soviet and Russian society and reflected in culture. Conducted in Russian.
RUSS 4340. Invention of Business Discourse in Russia (1990-). 3 Credit Hours.
Origins of business discourse in post-Soviet Russia. Transformations in meaning of words and related practices during process of acculturation. Conducted in Russian.
RUSS 4360. Russian Culture through the Prism of Song. 3 Credit Hours.
Russian songs as object of study and focal points for broader exploration of key issues in Russian and Soviet culture and history. Conducted in Russian.
RUSS 4500. Russian Intercultural Capstone Seminar. 3 Credit Hours.
Russia and the West: cultural models and political fault lines. Historical debates that continue to divide and engage Russians. Conducted in Russian.
RUSS 4692. Intensive Advanced Russian II. 3 Credit Hours.
Russian LBAT summer program. Reading on and discussion of contemporary Russian and global issues. Advanced grammar and syntax. Stylistics of written discourses. Taught in Russian.
RUSS 4693. Intensive Advanced Russian III. 3 Credit Hours.
Russian LBAT summer program. Reading on and discussion of contemporary Russian and global issues. Advanced grammar and syntax. Stylistics of written discourses. Taught in Russian.
RUSS 4694. Internship Assistantship. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Modern Language Undergraduate Internship for pay for junior and seniors, by permit only. The internship experience must be at a unit or agency approved by the School of Modern Languages.
RUSS 4695. Russian Internship. 1-3 Credit Hours.
Professional experience with a business/organization in which students enhance their language skills and cultural knowledge in Russian in relation on the practical goals/objectives of the entity.
RUSS 4698. Undergraduate Research Assistantship. 1-12 Credit Hours.
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
RUSS 4699. Undergraduate Research. 1-12 Credit Hours.
Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.
RUSS 4813. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Topics of interest not covered in the regular course offerings.
RUSS 4823. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Topics of current interest in Russian.
RUSS 4833. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Topics of current interest in Russian.
RUSS 4901. Special Problems in Russian. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Provides the special instruction required under special programs.
RUSS 4902. Special Problems in Russian. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Provides the special instruction required under special programs.
RUSS 4XXX. Russian Elective. 1-21 Credit Hours.
RUSS 6252. Russian Domestic Internship. 1-3 Credit Hours.
Students complete domestic internships. Conducted in Russian. Online course.
RUSS 6360. Russian Culture through Songs. 3 Credit Hours.
Russian songs as object of study and focal points for broader exploration of key issues in Russian and Soviet culture and history. Conducted in Russian.
RUSS 6500. Intercultural Seminar. 3 Credit Hours.
Russia and the West: cultural models and political fault lines. Historical debates that continue to divide and engage Russians. Conducted un Russian.
RUSS 6503. Professional Portfolio Development. 3 Credit Hours.
Preparation of a professional portfolio connecting experiences and coursework in the MS program towards career preparation. Conducted in Russian.
RUSS 6510. Applied Language Practicum. 3 Credit Hours.
Students will serve as researchers, student aides and apprentice instructors for any 3/4000-level undergraduate course approved by their adviser and the course.
RUSS 6511. Applied Language Practicum Abroad. 3 Credit Hours.
Students serve as researchers and apprentice instructors in the LBAT or other faculty-led overseas language immersion program of the School of Modern Languages.
RUSS 6695. Russian Internship Abroad. 1-3 Credit Hours.
Students complete internships abroad in a Russian-speaking region. Conducted in Russian. Online course.
RUSS 6696. Russian Internship Abroad. 1-6 Credit Hours.
Students complete internships abroad in a Russian-speaking region. Conducted in Russian. Online course.
RUSS 6998. Master's Project. 1-6 Credit Hours.
Optional project course taught in Russian.
RUSS 7000. Master's Thesis. 1-6 Credit Hours.
Optional thesis course.
RUSS 8803. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours.
Topics of current interest not covered in the regular course offerings.
RUSS 8804. Special Topics. 4 Credit Hours.
Special Topics in Russian Language and Literature.
RUSS 8901. Special Problems in Russian. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Provides the special instruction required under special programs.
RUSS 8902. Special Problems in Russian. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Provides the special instruction required under special programs.
RUSS 8903. Special Problems in Russian. 1-21 Credit Hours.
Provides the special instruction required under special programs.