
Paying Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are payable by the deadline published on the official Academic Calendar and the Bursar's Office web page for each academic term. Registration is not complete until all charges are paid. The Institute reserves the right at any time during the semester to drop any student from classes for failure to pay their balance in full. In no case is a regulation waived or an exception granted because a student pleads ignorance of the regulation or asserts they were not informed of it by an adviser or other authority. Students who owe the Institute money and have been placed on "hold" because of failure to pay may have their account forwarded to a professional collection agency.

Payment may be made by check payable in U.S. currency and drawn on a financial institution located in the U.S. (with checking account encoded on the check and made payable to Georgia Institute of Technology), or cashier's check. Credit card payments and electronic checks (WebChecks) are accepted online through the Bill+Payment portal. Credit card payments are processed by a third party vendor which charges a 2.85 percent fee for this service. A fee is not charged for WebCheck transactions. Credit card payments cannot be made by mail, phone, fax, or in person.

Tuition and Fee Rates

The tuition and fees listed are estimates and are subject to change. These amounts should be used only as a planning guide for future payments. Tuition charges can vary based on state residency status and degree program of study. Residency status is determined by the Office of Admission at the time of acceptance. Students are either classified as a resident or nonresident of Georgia for tuition purposes in accordance with the regulations of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. The most current information on tuition and fees is available at http://www.bursar.gatech.edu/content/tuition-fees.