Pass/Fail Grading
A. General
- At the option of the student's major school, credit toward a bachelor's degree may be allowed for courses taken under the pass/fail system and completed with a grade of "Pass."
- The major school must approve all pass/fail courses included in the final program of study, and students should be aware of school requirements.
- In graduate programs, thesis research hours will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis.
- Pass/fail enrollment in any course may be restricted by the school or department offering the course.
- Students who are permitted to register under the pass/fail system will be so designated on the official class rolls. The grades recorded will be "S" for "Satisfactory" or "U" for "Unsatisfactory." These grades will not be included in the calculation of the grade-point average and cannot be changed to a grade that will count in the average.
- Withdrawals from courses taken on a pass/fail basis will follow the same rules that govern withdrawals from courses included in the grade-point average.
- The deadline to change the grade mode from letter grade to pass/fail (and vice versa) is the same day as the Last Day to Withdraw from Individual Courses without a Penalty.
Grade mode changes are allowed online during the Registration Period. After the Registration Period ends, the following form must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
B. Credit Hours Permitted
- The maximum number of credit hours that a student may earn on a pass/fail basis is related to the number of credit hours required for the program of study in which the student is enrolled.
Rules for Pass/Fail Hours included in program of study Hours allowed on pass/fail basis 45 to 70 credit hours 3 credit hours 71 to 90 credit hours 6 credit hours 91 or more credit hours 9 credit hours - For a second undergraduate degree, these limits apply to the credit hours included in the program of study for that second degree.
- A master's degree program of study may include up to three semester credit hours on a pass/fail basis.