Health Policies
A Medical Entrance Form and proof of required immunizations and tuberculosis screening must be on file with Stamps Health Services. Failure to provide this information may result in a health hold and delay of registration. All international students (F1 and J1 visas) are required to have health insurance coverage. Students may elect to purchase the health insurance made available by the health insurance provider contracted by Georgia Tech or may have their own comparable medical insurance.
Student Health Insurance
Source: Stamps Health Services
The Georgia Board of Regents (BOR) offers student health insurance for eligible students and their dependent(s). Two groups of students may purchase student health insurance: Mandatory and Voluntary. Mandatory students are required by the BOR to have student health insurance and the charge is applied automatically to the student's account along with tuition. Mandatory Graduates: Teaching Assistant, F1 or J1 visa holder, Research Assistant, Fellowship or Full tuition waiver. Mandatory Undergraduates: F1 or J1 visa holders. Mandatory students who already have health insurance may apply to waive the Board of Regents (BOR) student health insurance coverage.
There is a 30 day open enrollment period at the start of each semester to enroll for student insurance coverage, to enroll for the voluntary plan, or for mandatory students to add spouse/dependents coverage. For students and spouses with Board of Regents (BOR) student health insurance, Stamps Health Services (SHS) is the primary care provider. SHS renders care to students, spouses, and domestic partners. Dependent children are not eligible to be treated at SHS.
More information is available at
Source: Stamps Health Services
All incoming students must comply with the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia's immunization requirements. It is strongly recommended that immunization requirements are met as soon as possible to avoid a registration hold. A registration hold keeps students from registering for classes
Incoming students must use Stamps Health Services Immunizations Form.
More information is available at
Special Health Considerations
Source: Georgia Tech Policy Library
It is the responsibility of all students to notify the Health Center, the School of Applied Physiology, and the Office of Disabled Student Services of any disability that would make participation in swimming, competitive sports, and aerobic training hazardous to their well-being. Any student requesting special consideration because of mental or physical disability should have their physician write an explanatory letter, giving full details of the disability and consequent limitations on physical activity, to the medical director of Health Services. This letter must accompany the Medical Entrance Form.