Master of Science in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Students can choose a program of study leading to either the designated master's degree (with thesis) or the undesignated master's degree (without thesis). General requirements for both degrees are found in this catalog under "Information for Graduate Students." In either program of study, students can specialize in atmospheric chemistry, aerosols, and clouds; dynamics of weather and climate; geochemistry; geophysics; oceanography; paleoclimate; planetary science; and remote sensing. With approval of the School's faculty, multidisciplinary programs of study are also permitted. Students entering the master's degree program need an academic background that includes a minimum of one year of university-level courses in calculus, chemistry, and physics. Students who lack this academic background are required to complete appropriate remedial courses, for which they will not receive graduate credit.


Thesis Option

Core Courses12
EAS 6000-level or above
Elective courses in major area6
EAS 4000-level or above
Undesignated courses (may include thesis hours)6
EAS 7000Master's Thesis6
Total Credit Hours30

Non-Thesis Option

Core Courses12
EAS 6000-level or above
Elective courses in major area6
EAS 4000-level or above
Elective courses9
EAS 6000-level or above
EAS 8901Special Problems 13
Total Credit Hours30

BS/MS Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

EAS offers a BS/MS Program. EAS majors may apply to the BS/MS program after completing at least thirty semester credit hours at Georgia Tech with a GPA of at least 3.5.

Students admitted to the program must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.

As part of the program, students may use up to 6 credit hours of graduate-level coursework in the major discipline for both degrees.

To apply, complete the BS/MS application form, a biographical statement, and two letters of recommendation.

EAS Undergraduate Information