Doctor of Philosophy with a Major in Industrial Engineering - System Informatics & Control Track

All PhD programs must incorporate a standard set of Requirements for the Doctoral Degree.

Students in the Ph.D. with a major in Industrial Engineering program choose a single track from: General Industrial Engineering, Supply Chain Engineering, Statistics, Economic Decision Analysis, and System Informatics & Control.

Each track has specific course requirements.  Students are expected to complete the course programs described below prior to candidacy, and many of the courses are recommended to be completed prior to the comprehensive examination. Students seeking to waive a program course requirement must receive permission from the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies. It is not our intent to have students repeat coursework that they may have already mastered during prior graduate degree programs, so please ask for appropriate waivers.

General Industrial Engineering

Methodology Core (4 courses)
Group 1 (at least 2 courses)
ISYE 6661Linear Optimization3
ISYE 6662Discrete Optimization3
ISYE 6761Stochastic Processes I3
ISYE 6832Simulation Theory and Methods3
ISYE 6412Theoretical Statistics3
ISYE 6414Statistical Modeling and Regression Analysis3
ISYE 6416Computational Statistics3
ISYE 6740Computational Data Analysis: Learning, Mining, and Computation3
Group 2
ECON 7012Microeconomic Theory I3
ECON 7013Microeconomic Theory II3
CSE 6140Computational Science and Engineering Algorithms3
CS 6550Design and Analysis of Algorithms3
ISYE 6402Time Series Analysis3
ISYE 6412Theoretical Statistics3
ISYE 6413Design and Analysis of Experiments3
ISYE 6420Introduction to Theory and Practice of Bayesian Statistics3
ISYE 6663Nonlinear Optimization3
ISYE 6664Stochastic Optimization3
ISYE 6679Computational Methods in Optimization3
ISYE 6761Stochastic Processes I3
ISYE 7401Advanced Statistical Modeling3
ISYE 7405Multivariate Data Analysis3
ISYE 7406Data Mining and Statistical Learning3
ISYE 7661Theory of Linear Inequalities3
ISYE 7682Convexity3
ISYE 7683Advanced Nonlinear Programming3
ISYE 7686Advanced Combinatorial Optimization3
ISYE 7687Advanced Integer Programming3
ISYE 8813Special Topics in Operations Research (Constraint Programming)3
ISYE 8813Special Topics in Operations Research (Game Theory)3
Domain Core (at least 3 courses)
HS 6000Introduction to Healthcare Delivery3
ISYE 6201Manufacturing Systems3
ISYE 6202Warehousing Systems3
ISYE 6203Transportation and Supply Chain Systems3
ISYE 6225Advanced Engineering Economy3
ISYE 6227Introduction to Financial Engineering3
ISYE 6230Economic Decision Analysis3
ISYE 6320Public Impact Applications of Operations Research and Management Science3
ISYE 6421Biostatistics3
ISYE 6673Financial Optimization Models3
ISYE 6785The Practice of Quantitative and Computational Finance3
ISYE 7201Production and Service Systems Engineering3
ISYE 7203Logistics Systems Engineering3
ISYE 7205Inventory Theory3
ISYE 8813Special Topics in Operations Research (On Life Cycle Assessment)3
Technical Elective (3 courses) 1,2

Decided in consultation with advisor.


Up to two technical electives may double-count toward satisfying the minor requirement

Comprehensive Exam

The General Industrial Engineering comprehensive exam has two parts:

  1. Written exam: Students have to select any two courses from Group 1 methodology core of General Industrial Engineering track. They are required to solve one question each from these 2 topics. Both questions are to be solved in one three hour exam.
  2. Research paper: The research paper must be submitted by the day of the exam. The paper must be:
  • Written 100% by the student. (The student may mention the name of faculty/student collaborator.)
  • No more than 10 pages (excluding references), font size 11, margin at least 1 inch.
  • The first page should contain the title, the research collaborators, and a short abstract.
  • The introduction should be a broadly accessible to a non-expert and contain exposition of the main goals, ideas and techniques, including motivation and a clear literature survey (The entire paper can be a literature survey paper).

Supply Chain Engineering

Methodology Core (4 courses)
Group 1 (at least 2 courses)
ISYE 6661Linear Optimization3
ISYE 6662Discrete Optimization3
ISYE 6761Stochastic Processes I3
ISYE 6832Simulation Theory and Methods3
Group 2
ISYE 6230Economic Decision Analysis3
ISYE 6412Theoretical Statistics3
ISYE 6414Statistical Modeling and Regression Analysis3
ISYE 6663Nonlinear Optimization3
ISYE 6664Stochastic Optimization3
ISYE 6740Computational Data Analysis: Learning, Mining, and Computation3
ISYE 7682Convexity3
ISYE 7683Advanced Nonlinear Programming3
ISYE 7686Advanced Combinatorial Optimization3
ISYE 7687Advanced Integer Programming3
ISYE 8813Special Topics in Operations Research (Constraint Programming)3
Domain Core (3 courses)
Group 1 (at least 2 courses)
ISYE 6202Warehousing Systems3
ISYE 7201Production and Service Systems Engineering3
ISYE 7203Logistics Systems Engineering3
ISYE 7205Inventory Theory3
Group 2
ISYE 6201Manufacturing Systems3
ISYE 6203Transportation and Supply Chain Systems3
ISYE 6320Public Impact Applications of Operations Research and Management Science3
Computational Core (1 course) 1
ISYE 6679Computational Methods in Optimization3
CSE 6140Computational Science and Engineering Algorithms3
CS 6550Design and Analysis of Algorithms3
Technical Elective (2 courses) 2,3

Computational core may be chosen from the list above or can be other graduate-level courses related to the major area of study.


Decided in consultation with advisor.


Up to two technical electives may double-count toward satisfying the minor requirement

Comprehensive Exam

The Supply Chain Engineering comprehensive exam has two parts:

  1. Written exam: Students have to select any two courses from Group 1 methodology core of Supply Chain Engineering track. They are required to solve one question each from these 2 topics. Both questions are to be solved in one three hour exam.
  2. Research paper: The research paper must be submitted by the day of the exam. The paper must be:
    • Written 100% by the student. (The student may mention the name of faculty/student collaborator.)
    • No more than 10 pages (excluding references), font size 11, margin at least 1 inch.
    • The first page should contain the title, the research collaborators, and a short abstract.
    • The introduction should be a broadly accessible to a non-expert and contain exposition of the main goals, ideas and techniques, including motivation and a clear literature survey (The entire paper can be a literature survey paper).


Domain Core (4 courses)
ISYE 6412Theoretical Statistics3
ISYE 6413Design and Analysis of Experiments3
ISYE 6416Computational Statistics3
ISYE 7401Advanced Statistical Modeling3
Statistics Electives (4 courses)
ISYE 6402Time Series Analysis3
ISYE 6404Nonparametric Data Analysis3
ISYE 6420Introduction to Theory and Practice of Bayesian Statistics3
ISYE 6421Biostatistics3
ISYE 6740Computational Data Analysis: Learning, Mining, and Computation3
ISYE 6781Reliability Theory3
ISYE 6783Statistical Techniques of Financial Data Analysis3
ISYE 6805Reliability Engineering3
ISYE 7400Advanced Design of Experiments3
ISYE 7405Multivariate Data Analysis3
ISYE 7406Data Mining and Statistical Learning3
Technical Electives (2 courses) 1,2
ISYE 6661Linear Optimization3
ISYE 6662Discrete Optimization3
ISYE 6663Nonlinear Optimization3
ISYE 6664Stochastic Optimization3
ISYE 6761Stochastic Processes I3
ISYE 6762Stochastic Processes II3
ISYE 6832Simulation Theory and Methods3
ISYE 6810Systems Monitoring and Prognostics3
ISYE 7204Informatics in Production & Service Systems3
MATH 6014Graph Theory and Combinatorial Structures3
MATH 6241Probability I3
MATH 6242Probability II3
MATH 6643Numerical Linear Algebra3
CS 6550Design and Analysis of Algorithms3
CS 7520Approximation Algorithms3
CS 7530Randomized Algorithms3
CS 7545Theoretical Foundations of Machine Learning3
ECE 6254Statistical Machine Learning3

All ten courses satisfying the above requirement in the Program of Study must be completed to obtain doctoral candidacy.


Other PhD-level Mathematics, Computer Science, or Machine Learning courses by permission of the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies


Two of the Technical Electives courses may double-count to the Minor if they are part of a cogent Minor approved by the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies

Comprehensive Exam

The comprehensive exam for the Statistics track is based on all four domain courses.

Economic Decision Analysis

Operations Research Core (3 courses)
ISYE 6661Linear Optimization3
ISYE 6662Discrete Optimization3
ISYE 6663Nonlinear Optimization3
ISYE 6761Stochastic Processes I3
Economic Decision Analysis Core (3 courses)
ISYE 6225Advanced Engineering Economy3
ISYE 6230Economic Decision Analysis3
ISYE 8813Special Topics in Operations Research (Game Theory)3
ECON 7012Microeconomic Theory I3
ECON 7013Microeconomic Theory II3
Statistics Core (1 course)
ISYE 6402Time Series Analysis3
ISYE 6421Biostatistics3
Breadth Elective (at least 1 course)
ISYE 6227Introduction to Financial Engineering3
ISYE 6673Financial Optimization Models3
ISYE 6785The Practice of Quantitative and Computational Finance3
ISYE 7201Production and Service Systems Engineering3
ISYE 7203Logistics Systems Engineering3
HS 6000Introduction to Healthcare Delivery3
CS 7525Algorithmic Game Theory and Economics3
Technical Elective (2 courses) 1,2

Decided in consultation with advisor.


Up to two technical electives may double-count toward satisfying the minor requirement

Comprehensive Exam

The Economic Decision Analysis comprehensive exam has two parts:

  1. Written exam: Students have to select any two courses from Group 1 methodology core of Economic Decision Analysis track. They are required to solve one question each from these 2 topics. Both questions are to be solved in one three hour exam.
  2. Research paper: The research paper must be submitted by the day of the exam. The paper must be:
    • Written 100% by the student. (The student may mention the name of faculty/student collaborator.)
    • No more than 10 pages (excluding references), font size 11, margin at least 1 inch.
    • The first page should contain the title, the research collaborators, and a short abstract.
    • The introduction should be a broadly accessible to a non-expert and contain exposition of the main goals, ideas and techniques, including motivation and a clear literature survey (The entire paper can be a literature survey paper).

System Informatics and Control

Domain Core (3 courses)
ISYE 6810Systems Monitoring and Prognostics3
ISYE 7201Production and Service Systems Engineering3
ISYE 7204Informatics in Production & Service Systems3
or ISYE 6405 Statistical Methods for Manufacturing Design and Improvement
Methods Core (3 courses)
ISYE 6661Linear Optimization3
ISYE 6761Stochastic Processes I3
ISYE 7406Data Mining and Statistical Learning3
Methods Breadth (4 or more courses)
Select courses from two or more of the six focus areas:
Stochastics and Simulation
ISYE 6644Simulation3
ISYE 6832Simulation Theory and Methods3
ISYE 6656Queuing Theory3
ISYE 6762Stochastic Processes II3
ISYE 6402Time Series Analysis3
ISYE 6405Statistical Methods for Manufacturing Design and Improvement3
ISYE 6412Theoretical Statistics3
ISYE 6413Design and Analysis of Experiments3
ISYE 6420Introduction to Theory and Practice of Bayesian Statistics3
ISYE 7401Advanced Statistical Modeling3
ISYE 7405Multivariate Data Analysis3
ECE 6555Optimal Estimation3
Computing and Algorithms
ISYE 6679Computational Methods in Optimization3
ISYE 6416Computational Statistics3
CS 6550Design and Analysis of Algorithms3
Dynamics and Control
ECE 6120Automata Theory3
ECE 6550Linear Systems and Controls3
ECE 6551Digital Control3
ECE 6552Nonlinear Systems and Control3
ECE 6553Optimal Control and Optimization3
ECE 6554Adaptive Control3
ECE 6556Intelligent Control3
ECE 6559Advanced Linear Systems3
ME 6401Linear Control Systems3
ME 6402Nonlinear Control Systems3
ME 6403Digital Control Systems3
ME 6404Advanced Control System Design and Implementation3
ME 6443Variational Methods in Engineering3
ISYE 6662Discrete Optimization3
ISYE 6663Nonlinear Optimization3
ISYE 6664Stochastic Optimization3
ISYE 6201Manufacturing Systems3
ISYE 6202Warehousing Systems3
ISYE 6203Transportation and Supply Chain Systems3
ECE 6557Manufacturing Systems Design3
ME 6222Manufacturing Processes and Systems3
ME 6223Automated Manufacturing Process Planning3
ME 6225Metrology and Measurement Systems3
ME 6754Engineering Database Management Systems3
Comprehensive Exam

The comprehensive exam for System Informatics and Control is based on all three domain courses.

Dissertation Research Proposal (for all tracks)

The first step toward completing a final dissertation is to receive formal approval of a dissertation research topic.  This is accomplished via the Dissertation Research Proposal.  Students must present their dissertation research proposal to the Thesis Advisory Committee no later than the end of Spring semester of the student’s third full year in the program.

Each Ph.D. student must prepare a cogent, self-contained written research proposal that should describe the research to be addressed, demonstrate an understanding of existing work, describe intended research approaches, and present initial and anticipated results.  The student must deliver this proposal, along with an oral presentation, to his/her committee.  The content expected in the written research proposal should be discussed with the research advisor and committee members.

If judged to be satisfactory, the Thesis Advisory Committee members must sign the appropriate section of the Request for Admission to Ph.D. Candidacy form approving the thesis topic.  Each member of the committee must also complete the Dissertation Proposal

Assessment Form, available on the ISyE website.  The student should bring copies of all forms to the proposal presentation and is responsible for returning all forms to the Academic Programs Office. A student must present the thesis proposal at least one semester prior to the Final Doctoral Examination.

A student who fails to obtain approval of his/her thesis proposal must modify the existing proposal, and if required by the Thesis Advisory Committee, must defend the modified proposal in a subsequent oral presentation.  If this second thesis proposal is not successful, the student will have not more than 6 months to identify a new research topic and if necessary a new research advisor, and to report this information to the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies. Failing to do so will prevent a student from continuing in the program.

Dissertation (for all tracks)

The primary requirement of a Ph.D. program is the completion of a dissertation, a written work documenting the research findings of a searching and authoritative investigation of a topic in the chosen primary field of study. The dissertation must either extend the boundaries of fundamental knowledge in a field or provide a new and better understanding or interpretation of facts already known. It should demonstrate that the candidate possesses powers of original thought, a talent for scholarship and research, and an ability to organize and present his/her findings.

Georgia Tech Graduate Studies maintains a website that discusses policies and requirements for Ph.D. dissertations at Georgia Tech.

Minor (for all tracks)

The minor will follow the standard Georgia Tech requirement: 6 hours outside the student’s home unit with a letter grade of 'C' or higher. The courses for the minor should form a cohesive program of study that is approved by the ACGS. Courses selected from the breadth requirements can be used to count toward the Minor.