Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering - Nuclear Engineering

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The undergraduate curriculum in mechanical engineering (ME) is very broad and flexible. The curriculum comprises a ME core of fundamental concepts, plus a design/professional-practice stem, plus 15 credit hours of free electives. The program prepares students to be problem solvers and to contribute to a wide range of industries and businesses, or to go on for further study in graduate school. There is a strong emphasis in the ME program on design, creativity, and hands-on learning. Due to the wide range of career choices open to MEs, the program incorporates courses in electronics, materials science, computer programming, and manufacturing. The large number of free elective hours allows students to pursue minors and certificates throughout the Institute, or to specialize in areas within ME. The flexibility also helps students to pursue a variety of special programs including co-op, internships, study abroad, and undergraduate research.

Program Educational Objectives

The faculty of the Woodruff School strives to continuously improve our undergraduate programs in mechanical engineering. The educational objectives reflect the needs, and have been reviewed by, among others, the Advisory Board of the Woodruff School, the faculty, and the students.

  • Our graduates will be recognized leaders in ME–related fields or other career paths, including industry, academe, government, and non-governmental organizations. 
  • Our graduates will be global collaborators, leading and participating in culturally diverse teams, fostering inclusive environments, and acting ethically to discover and apply new knowledge and engineering practices   
  • Our graduates will continue to grow professionally and will strive to acquire new skills and new knowledge throughout their careers. 
  • Our graduates will be entrepreneurially minded innovators who have a positive economic, social, and environmental impact on their communities, the nation, and society as a whole. 
APPH 1040Scientific Foundations of Health2
or APPH 1050 The Science of Physical Activity and Health
Core A - Essential Skills
ENGL 1101English Composition I3
ENGL 1102English Composition II3
MATH 1552Integral Calculus 24
Core B - Institutional Options
CS 1371Computing for Engineers3
Core C - Humanities
Any HUM6
Core D - Science, Math, & Technology
PHYS 2211Introductory Physics I 24
PHYS 2212Introductory Physics II4
MATH 1551Differential Calculus 22
MATH 1553Introduction to Linear Algebra 22
or MATH 1554 Linear Algebra
or MATH 1564 Linear Algebra with Abstract Vector Spaces
Core E - Social Sciences
Select one of the following:3
The United States to 1877
The United States since 1877
American Government in Comparative Perspective
Government of the United States
American Constitutional Issues
Select one of the following:3
Economic Analysis and Policy Problems
The Global Economy
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Any SS6
Core F - Courses Related to Major
CHEM 1310General Chemistry 74
ME 1770Introduction to Engineering Graphics and Visualization 3
MATH 2551Multivariable Calculus 24
MATH 2552Differential Equations 24
MSE 2001Principles and Applications of Engineering Materials3
Ethics Requirement 1
Major Requirements
COE 2001Statics 22
ME 2016Computer Applications3
ME 2110Creative Decisions and Design3
ME 2202Dynamics of Rigid Bodies3
ME 3017System Dynamics3
ME 3057Experimental Methodology and Technical Writing3
ME 3322Thermodynamics3
ME 3340Fluid Mechanics3
ME 3345Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer3
COE 3001Mechanics of Deformable Bodies3
ME 3210Design, Materials, and Manufacture3
ME 4056Mechanical Engineering Systems Laboratory3
ME 4182Mechanical Design Engineering3
Other Engineering Requirements
ECE 3710Circuits and Electronics2
ECE 3741Instrumentation and Electronics Lab1
ISYE 3025Essentials of Engineering Economy1
MATH 3670Probability and Statistics with Applications3
Nuclear Energy Concentration
NRE 3301Radiation Physics3
NRE 3208Nuclear Reactor Phys I3
ME 3180Machine Design3
or ME 4315 Energy Systems Analysis and Design
Select two of the following: 56
Electrical Energy Systems
Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Applied Fluid Mechanics
Environmental Degradation
Reactor Engineering
Introduction to Plasma Physics and Fusion Engineering
Free Electives
Free Electives 3,4,66
Total Credit Hours129

No pass-fail courses allowed.

Student must earn a 2.0 GPA within Major Requirements and the following:

MSE 2001Principles and Applications of Engineering Materials3
ECE 3710Circuits and Electronics2
ECE 3741Instrumentation and Electronics Lab1
ISYE 3025Essentials of Engineering Economy1

If a course is repeated, only the latest grade is included in the calculation of the Major Requirements GPA.

International Plan

Mechanical Engineering majors may choose to participate in the Georgia Tech International Plan. Students who complete the requirements of the International Plan have the degree designation noted on their transcripts and on their diploma. The International Plan has specific requirements which must be completed including:

  1. a minimum of 26 weeks abroad in educational, research, or work internships,
  2. a language requirement,
  3. courses specifically designated for global economics, international affairs, and global competency, and
  4. a capstone project, typically one which is based on the student's ME capstone design experience.

Complete requirements may be found at

Cooperative Plan

Since 1912, Georgia Tech has offered an Undergraduate Cooperative Program to those students who wish to combine career-related experience with classroom studies. Students alternate between industrial assignments and classroom studies until they complete three semesters of work. Co-op students with mechanical engineering majors complete the same coursework on campus that is completed by non-co-op students. Most co-op students begin the program as sophomores or juniors and are classified as full-time students regardless of whether they are attending classes on campus or are full-time at an employer's location. Co-op employment opportunities exist across the USA, and even in foreign countries. Depending on the chosen country, proficiency in a foreign language is usually necessary. Mechanical engineering students have worked in countries such as Germany, China, and Japan.

Students who participate in the co-op program have the opportunity to develop career interests, become more confident in their career choices, and develop human relation skills through their work experience. Graduates of the program receive a bachelor's degree with a Cooperative Plan Designation. For more information about the Cooperative Program, go to

For more information about all of the programs in the Center for Career Discovery and Development, visit

Research Option

The School of Mechanical Engineering offers the 'Research Option' (RO) under the BSME degree program. In order to graduate with a BSME (RO) degree, students must:

  • Complete at least nine units of supervised research over at least two (preferably three) terms. The research must either be for pay (ME 4698) or credit (ME 4699). Up to six hours of research for credit may be used towards the BSME free elective requirements.
  • Write an undergraduate thesis or other substantial, written report showing results of the research. This is usually done during the graduating term.
  • Take both LMC 4701 (typically during the first or second semester of research) and LMC 4702 (during the thesis-writing semester).

At least six of the nine required credit hours of research should be on the same topic. A research proposal must be approved by a faculty advisor and one other faculty member. This proposal will be written in LMC 4701 which serves as a pre-requisite for LMC 4702. Completion of the Research Option is noted on students' transcripts.

The BS/MS Program

The Woodruff School offers a BS/MS program for those students who demonstrate an interest in and ability for additional education beyond the BS degree. Woodruff School students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher are eligible to apply for the program after completion of 30 semester credit hours at Georgia Tech, but before the completion of seventy-five semester credit hours, including transfer and advanced placement credits. Students who have more than 75 credit hours will be considered for the program on a case-by-case basis.

Participants in the BS/MS Program in the Woodruff School can obtain a master's degree in mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, medical physics, or in Georgia Tech's interdisciplinary bioengineering graduate program. There are two options to consider:

Non-Thesis Option

The Non-Thesis Option is completed by taking 10 classes according to the MS degree requirements. In many cases, two courses can be counted towards both a student's BS and MS degrees, thereby streamlining the process. With proper planning, most MS non-thesis degrees could be completed in one year.

Thesis Option

The Thesis Option involves working with a faculty member on a project in a wide range of research topics being investigated by Woodruff School faculty members. This will give the student hands-on experience in working with a faculty mentor; the opportunity to work in a laboratory or a research environment; and the chance to perform theoretical and experimental work. These efforts will foster the student's career interests and expand their job prospects with certain employers. In some cases, a student will receive a graduate research assistantship, which includes a stipend and a tuition waiver. The time to graduation depends on the thesis project, the advisor, and the student's work ethic.

During the first year of graduate studies, students may be encouraged to continue for the PhD. In many cases, students may be working on an interesting topic of study as part of master's degree research that could provide the basis for doctoral research.

BS/MS Information