Core IMPACTS - Arts, Humanities & Ethics

Last edited: December 18, 2024
Arts, Humanities & Ethics (Humanities)

The Learning Outcomes for the Arts, Humanities & Ethics Core IMPACTS area:

Students will effectively analyze and interpret the meaning, cultural significance, and ethical implications of literary/philosophical texts or of works in the visual/performing arts.

Students must complete 6 credit hours of courses that carry the Arts, Humanities & Ethics (HUM) attribute. 

Some Georgia Tech major degree programs require completion of a separate Ethics (ETHS) requirement. Some courses that carry a Core IMPACTS attribute may also be used to satisfy this Georgia Tech Ethics requirement. More information about this Ethics requirement may be found here:


  1. Any courses listed in prior catalogs as satisfying the humanities or ethics requirement and that were completed while that catalog was in effect may also be used to satisfy these requirements.
  2. Academic units must formally request approval for courses they deem eligible to carry a Core IMPACTS area attribute from the Institute Undergraduate General Education and Policy Subcommittee, the Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, and the University System of Georgia General Education Council.
  3. Students are permitted to apply a maximum of 3 credit hours from one 1002-, 2001-, or 2002-numbered Modern Language course that carries the HUM attribute toward their Core IMPACTS area humanities requirement. Please note that:
    1. students may apply the maximum of 3 credit hours from one of these 1002-, 2001-, or 2002-numbered Modern Language courses toward their Core IMPACTS Area humanities requirement only if that course carries the HUM attribute.
    2. students may not apply any credits from more than one of these 1002-, 2001-, or 2002-numbered Modern Language courses toward their Core IMPACTS Area humanities requirement regardless of whether or not the course(s) carry the HUM attribute.
    3. students who apply the maximum of 3 credit hours from one of these 1002-, 2001-, or 2002-numbered Modern Language courses carrying the HUM attribute toward their Core IMPACTS Area humanities requirement must satisfy the remaining 3 credit hours required to complete the Core IMPACTS area humanities requirement by applying credit hours from courses carrying the HUM attribute OTHER THAN  one of these 1002-, 2001-, or 2002-numbered Modern Language courses. 
  4. Transfer students are asked to please be aware that when they see courses on their GT record that are listed with an "X" in the number (ECON 3XXX or JAPN 10X2, for example) it means that these are transfer courses and although they were not equated exactly with a GT course, they may have been accepted to meet a Core IMPACTS Area such as Arts, Humanities & Ethics and Social Sciences. If they review their records in DegreeWorks, they will be able to see how their transfer credit applies to their GT degree program. Transfer students should consult their academic advisors for more information.

Humanities Courses

ARBC 1002Elementary Arabic II4
ARBC 1501Understanding Arab Culture3
ARBC 2001Intermediate Arabic I3
ARBC 2002Intermediate Arabic II3
ARBC 2301Arabic Arts, Science and Technology Through History3
ARBC 3001Advanced Arabic I3
ARBC 3002Advanced Arabic II3
ARBC 3401Perspectives on the Arab-Israeli Conflict3
ARBC 3501Men-Women In Islam3
ARBC 3691Intensive Advanced Arabic3
ARBC 3692Arabic for Business and Technology I3
ARBC 3693Arabic for Business and Technology II3
ARCH 2111History of Architecture I3
ARCH 2112History of Architecture II3
ARCH 2115Modern Architecture and Art in Europe, America and Australia: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries3
ARCH 3007Art & Architecture in Greece3
ARCH 3008Art & Architecture in Italy I3
ARCH 3009Art & Architecture in Italy II3
ARCH 4109Architecture and Minimalism3
ARCH 4110Public Space: Questions and Configurations3
ARCH 4118American Academic Architecture3
ARCH 4120Atlanta Architecture3
ARCH 4124History of Architecture in the United States3
ARCH 4128Barcelona: Architecture, Urban Design, Public Space3
ARCH 4151History of Urban Form3
ARCH 4305Near and Far: Cross-Cultural Practices in Art, Architecture and Design3
CHIN 1002Elementary Chinese II4
CHIN 1012Accelerated Elementary Chinese II4
CHIN 1501Chinese for Heritage Learners I3
CHIN 2001Intermediate Chinese I3
CHIN 2002Intermediate Chinese II3
CHIN 2011Accelerated Intermediate Chinese I3
CHIN 2012Accelerated Intermediate Chinese II3
CHIN 2501Chinese For Heritage Learners II3
CHIN 3003Intermediate Chinese III3
CHIN 3004Advanced Chinese I3
CHIN 3021Chinese Society and Culture I3
CHIN 3022Chinese Society and Culture II3
CHIN 3400China: A Cultural Odyssey3
CHIN 3401A Kaleidoscope of Chinese Language3
CHIN 3691Chinese for Current Events3
CHIN 3692Business Chinese3
CHIN 4003Advanced Chinese II: Contemporary China3
CHIN 4004Advanced Chinese III: Contemporary China3
CHIN 4021Advanced Language, Popular Music and Culture3
CHIN 4031Chinese-Language Cinema: Technological, Cultural, and Urban Transformation in China3
CHIN 4500Advanced Intercultural Seminar3
COA 2241History of Art I3
COA 2242History of Art II3
COA 3114Art and Architecture in Classical Greece3
COA 3115Art and Architecture in Italy I3
COA 3116Art and Architecture in Italy II3
CP 4040The City in Fiction and Film3
CS 4752Philosophical Issues in Computation3
FREN 1002Elementary French II3
FREN 2001Intermediate French I3
FREN 2002Intermediate French II3
FREN 2005LBAT French Culture and Language6
FREN 3000Survey of French Literature3
FREN 3001French Literature from 1800 to 19003
FREN 3002French Literature from 1900 to Present3
FREN 3004Drama Workshop3
FREN 3011France Today I3
FREN 3012France Today II3
FREN 3014Introduction to Contemporary France3
FREN 3015Social Identities in Contemporary French Culture3
FREN 3017Paris: Modernity Today3
FREN 3030French Phonetics3
FREN 3040Reading and Translation3
FREN 3061France: Culture, Economy, Commerce I3
FREN 3062France: Culture, Economy and Commerce II3
FREN 3110Comics & Graphic Arts3
FREN 3120French Conversation and Culture3
FREN 3121Advanced Composition3
FREN 3500Field Work Abroad1-3
FREN 3551French for the Professions I3
FREN 3691Business Communication and Correspondence in France3
FREN 3692French for Business and Technology I3
FREN 3693French for Business and Technology II3
FREN 3694French for Business and Technology Abroad3
FREN 4001French Stylistics3
FREN 4011French Art3
FREN 4013French Literature and the Visual Arts3
FREN 4061French Science and Technology I3
FREN 4101Literature of the Francophone World I3
FREN 4102Literature of the Francophone World II3
FREN 4103Francophone Africa3
FREN 4105Francophone Cinema3
FREN 4107The African Diasporas in France3
FREN 4200Introduction to French Philosophy3
FREN 4241Migration in French Cinema3
FREN 4242The French New Wave3
FREN 4300France and Globalization3
FREN 4500Advanced Intercultural Seminar3
GRMN 1002Elementary German II3
GRMN 2001Intermediate German I3
GRMN 2002Intermediate German II3
GRMN 3010Introduction to German Literature3
GRMN 3011Germany Today3
GRMN 3024Conversation and Composition3
GRMN 3026German Stylistics3
GRMN 3030Crossing Borders in Literature & Culture3
GRMN 3055German Fairy Tales: From the Grimm Brothers to Disney3
GRMN 3071Introductory Business German I3
GRMN 3110Television & Electronic Culture3
GRMN 3695German Business and Technology: Structure, Communication and Correspondence3
GRMN 3696German Business and Technology: Current Issues3
GRMN 3697German Business and Technology: Communication3
GRMN 4010Perspectives of German Media3
GRMN 4012Typical German Towards a German Identity3
GRMN 4023Selected Readings in German Literature3
GRMN 4024German Film and Literature3
GRMN 4025German Culture & Film3
GRMN 4026German Post-Wall Cinema3
GRMN 4061Advanced Business German I3
GRMN 4065The European Union: History, Institutions and Current Issues and Challenges3
GRMN 4120Literary Representations of German History3
GRMN 4126Advanced Stylistics: Grammar and Discourse3
GRMN 4500Advanced Intercultural Seminar3
GRMN 4693Industrial Transformation and German Society/Economy3
ID 2202History of Modern Industrial Design3
ID 2241History of Art 13
ID 2242History of Art 23
ID 4206Culture of Objects: A Seminar on the Design and Culture of Objects3
INTA 4743Japanese Society and Politics3
JAPN 1002Elementary Japanese II4
JAPN 2001Intermediate Japanese I3
JAPN 2002Intermediate Japanese II3
JAPN 3001Advanced Japanese I3
JAPN 3691Technical and Scientific Japanese3
JAPN 3692Business Japanese3
JAPN 3693Japan Today3
JAPN 4113Advanced reading and Listening in Japanese3
JAPN 4123Technical and Business Japanese Translation3
JAPN 4163Introduction to Japanese Literature and Culture3
JAPN 4165Critical Readings in Japanese Culture and Arts3
JAPN 4173Japanese Culture and Society through Anime3
JAPN 4231Designing Websites in Japanese3
JAPN 4233CALI Pedagogy for Japanese3
JAPN 42353D RPG Development for Japanese Instruction3
JAPN 4500Advanced Intercultural Seminar3
JAPN 4543Advanced Japanese for NLP Development3
JAPN 4743Japanese Society and Politics3
JAPN 4750Japanese Discourse and Grammar3
JAPN 4780Japanese Applied Linguistics3
KOR 1002Elementary Korean II4
KOR 2001Intermediate Korean I3
KOR 2002Intermediate Korean II3
KOR 3001Advanced Korean I3
KOR 3002Advanced Korean II3
KOR 3410Korean Culture: Old and New3
KOR 3415Korea in Media: K-Pop, Film, and Drama3
KOR 3691Business Korean3
KOR 3692Current Issues and Technology in Korea3
KOR 3693Exploring Modern Korea3
KOR 4001Contemporary Korean3
KOR 4002Selected Readings Of Modern Korean3
LING 2100Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 3100Applications of Linguistics3
LING 4780Japanese Applied Linguistics3
LMC 2000Introduction to Literature, Media, and Communication3
LMC 2050Seminar in Literature, Media, and Communication3
LMC 2060Introduction to Literary Studies3
LMC 2100Introduction to Science, Technology and Culture3
LMC 2200Introduction to Gender Studies3
LMC 2400Introduction to Media Studies3
LMC 2500Introduction to Film3
LMC 2600Introduction to Performance Studies3
LMC 3102Science, Technology, and the Classical Tradition3
LMC 3104The Age of Scientific Discovery3
LMC 3106The Age of Scientific Revolution3
LMC 3112Evolution and the Industrial Age3
LMC 3202Studies in Fiction3
LMC 3204Poetry and Poetics3
LMC 3206Communication & Culture3
LMC 3208African American Literature and Culture3
LMC 3210Ethnicity in American Culture3
LMC 3212Women, Literature, and Culture3
LMC 3214Science Fiction3
LMC 3215Science Fiction Film and Television3
LMC 3219Literature and Medicine3
LMC 3225Gender Studies in the Disciplines3
LMC 3226Major Authors3
LMC 3228Shakespeare3
LMC 3234Creative Writing3
LMC 3236Writing for the Stage and Screen3
LMC 3252Studies in Film and Television3
LMC 3253Animation3
LMC 3254Film History3
LMC 3255Cinema and Digital Culture3
LMC 3256Major Filmmakers3
LMC 3257Global Cinema3
LMC 3258Documentary Film3
LMC 3259Experimental Film3
LMC 3262Performance Studies3
LMC 3263Music, Culture, and Society3
LMC 3302Science, Technology, and Ideology3
LMC 3304Science, Technology, and Gender3
LMC 3306Science, Technology, and Race3
LMC 3308Environmentalism and Ecocriticism3
LMC 3310The Rhetoric of Scientific Inquiry3
LMC 3314Technologies of Representation3
LMC 3316Science, Technology, and Postcolonialism3
LMC 3318Biomedicine and Culture3
LMC 3352Film and/as Technology3
LMC 3405Media, Culture, and Society3
LMC 3502Ancient and Medieval Literature and Culture3
LMC 3504Renaissance Literature and Culture3
LMC 3506Enlightenment and Culture3
LMC 3511American Literature & Culture3
LMC 3512British and Continental Romanticism3
LMC 3514Victorian Literature and Culture3
LMC 3516Literary and Cultural Modernism3
LMC 3518Literary and Cultural Postmodernism3
LMC 3520Contemporary Issues in Literature & Culture3
LMC 4204Poetry and Poetics II3
ML 2500Think Globally, Act Locally: An Introduction to Cross-Cultural Studies3
MUSI 2010Fundamentals of Musicianship I3
MUSI 2011Fundamentals of Musicianship II3
MUSI 2700Introduction to Music Theory3
MUSI 3121Concert Band1
MUSI 3131Symphonic Band1
MUSI 3231Chamber Choir1
MUSI 3241Chorale1
MUSI 3251Glee Club1
MUSI 3261Treble Choir1
MUSI 3311Jazz Ensemble1
MUSI 3450Survey of Music Technology3
MUSI 3511Percussion Ensemble1
MUSI 3531New Music Ensemble1
MUSI 3551Rock and Pop Ensemble1
MUSI 3611Symphony Orchestra1
MUSI 3621Musicians & their Music3
MUSI 3630The History of Jazz, the Roots and Evolution of an American Musical Art Form3
MUSI 4450Integrating Music Into Multimedia3
MUSI 4455Streaming Media3
PERS 1002Elementary Persian II4
PERS 2001Intermediate Persian I3
PERS 2002Intermediate Persian II3
PHIL 2010Introduction to Philosophical Analysis3
PHIL 2025Philosophical Analysis of Policy Choices3
PHIL 3050Political Philosophy3
PHIL 3102Ancient Philosophy3
PHIL 3103Modern Philosophy3
PHIL 3105Ethical Theories3
PHIL 3109Engineering Ethics3
PHIL 3113Logic and Critical Thinking3
PHIL 3115Philosophy of Science3
PHIL 3127Science, Technology, and Human Values3
PHIL 3135Philosophy of Technology3
PHIL 3140Philosophy of Food3
PHIL 4110Theories of Knowledge3
PHIL 4174Perspectives in Science and Technology3
PHIL 4176Environmental Ethics3
PHIL 4752Philosophical Issues in Computation3
RUSS 1002Elementary Russian II4
RUSS 1250Vampires and Memory of Stalinism in Post-Soviet Russia3
RUSS 1692Intensive Elementary Russian II3
RUSS 2001Intermediate Russian I3
RUSS 2002Intermediate Russian II3
RUSS 2691Intensive Intermediate Russian I3
RUSS 2692Intensive Intermediate Russian II3
RUSS 3001Advanced Russian I3
RUSS 3002Advanced Russian II3
RUSS 3222The Russian Twentieth Century in Literature and Film3
RUSS 3691Intensive Advanced Russian3
RUSS 3692Advanced Reading and Composition for Business, Science and Technology3
RUSS 3698Russia Yesterday and Today1
SPAN 1002Elementary Spanish II3
SPAN 2001Intermediate Spanish I3
SPAN 2002Intermediate Spanish II3
SPAN 2690Intermed Span Abroad3
SPAN 3050Introduction to Reading Hispanic Literature3
SPAN 3061Spanish for Business I: Fundamentals3
SPAN 3064Medical Spanish3
SPAN 3101Spanish Conversation: Issues and Strategies I3
SPAN 3111Composition: Analysis and Development I3
SPAN 3122Cultural History of Spain II: Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Spain3
SPAN 3211Spain Today3
SPAN 3235Latin America Today3
SPAN 3241The Individual and the Family in Hispanic Literature3
SPAN 3242Society in Hispanic Literature3
SPAN 3260Identity in Hispanic American Literature3
SPAN 3500Science Fiction in Latin America3
SPAN 3691Business Communication and Correspondence in the Hispanic3
SPAN 3692Business and Culture in the Hispanic World3
SPAN 3693Science and Technology in the Hispanic World3
SPAN 3694Business and Culture in the Hispanic World: Seminar Abroad3
SPAN 3697Spanish for Health Care Professionals3
SPAN 3698Health Care Industry in Spain3
SPAN 4061Spanish for Science and Technology I: Fundamentals3
SPAN 4062Spanish for Science and Technology II: Applications3
SPAN 4065Spanish Linguistics3
SPAN 4101Advanced Communication Workshop3
SPAN 4150Learning in the Hispanic Community3
SPAN 4160U.S. Spanish: Language and Cultures3
SPAN 4165Bilingualism in the Spanish Speaking World3
SPAN 4170Spanish Applied Linguistics3
SPAN 4220Nation and Narration in Latin America3
SPAN 4251Hispanic Community Internship3
SPAN 4255Hispanic Drama Workshop3
SPAN 4350Ibero-American Cities3
SPAN 4500Advanced Intercultural Seminar3

5. Humanities Credit for Ensemble Participation
Students can earn Humanities credit for participation in one or more specified School of Music ensembles. Each ensemble course is repeatable for credit and the following ensembles carry the humanities attribute:

MUSI 3121Concert Band1
MUSI 3131Symphonic Band1
MUSI 3231Chamber Choir1
MUSI 3241Chorale1
MUSI 3251Glee Club1
MUSI 3261Treble Choir1
MUSI 3311Jazz Ensemble1
MUSI 3511Percussion Ensemble1
MUSI 3531New Music Ensemble1
MUSI 3551Rock and Pop Ensemble1
MUSI 3611Symphony Orchestra1