Master of Science in Mathematics

The School of Mathematics provides opportunities for study in a wide range of mathematical disciplines. First-year graduate sequences include algebra, analysis, differential equations, geometry, numerical analysis, probability, quantitative finance, statistics, and topology in addition to courses in methods of applied mathematics.

MS Mathematics Information

A program of study leading to a master's degree in mathematics consists of 30 credit hours and must include at least twelve credit hours at the 6000 level or above in mathematics, with courses in at least three different fields of Mathematics, as follows.

Students must maintain an overall grade-point average of at least 2.7 and receive a grade of C or better in each mathematics course in the program of study.

Non-thesis Option

Classes at 3000-level or below, MATH 6701, and MATH 6702 cannot be used to fulfill the degree requirements.

Analysis Concentration
Select at least two of the following: 1,26
Functions of a Complex Variable I
Real Analysis I
Real Analysis II
Introduction to Hilbert Spaces
Operator Theory
Harmonic Analysis
Functional Analysis
Select at least one class in two areas. 26
Non-Thesis Option
MATH 6000-level or higher 26
Free Electives 312
Total Credit Hours30

One of these two classes must be MATH 6337 or MATH 6338


Minimum grade of B or better required.


9 credits of free electives at 4000-level or above, and additional 3 credits of 6000-level coursework

Thesis Option

Classes at 3000-level or below, MATH 6701, and MATH 6702 cannot be used to fulfill the degree requirements.

Analysis Concentration
Select at least two of the following: 1,26
Functions of a Complex Variable I
Real Analysis I
Real Analysis II
Introduction to Hilbert Spaces
Operator Theory
Harmonic Analysis
Functional Analysis
Select at least one class in two areas. 26
MATH 9000Doctoral Thesis9
Additional 4000-level or higher Coursework9
Total Credit Hours30

One of these two classes must be MATH 6337 or MATH 6338


Minimum grade of B or better required.

 Discrete Mathematics and Algebra

MATH 6014Graph Theory and Combinatorial Structures3
MATH 6121Modern Abstract Algebra I3
MATH 6122Modern Abstract Algebra II3
MATH 7016Combinatorics3
MATH 7018Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics3

 Geometry and Topology

MATH 6441Algebraic Topology I3
MATH 6442Algebraic Topology II3
MATH 6455Differential Geometry I3
MATH 6456Differential Geometry II3
MATH 6457Geometry and Topology I3
MATH 6458Introduction to Geometry and Topology II3

Differential Equations

MATH 6307Ordinary Differential Equations I3
MATH 6308Ordinary Differential Equations II3
MATH 6341Partial Differential Equations I3
MATH 6342Partial Differential Equations II3

Probability and Mathematical Statistics

MATH 6241Probability I3
MATH 6242Probability II3
MATH 7244Stochastic Processes and Stochastic Calculus I3
MATH 7245Stochastic Processes and Stochastic Calculus II3
MATH 6262Advanced Statistical Inference I3
MATH 6263Testing Statistical Hypotheses3
MATH 6266Linear Statistical Models3
MATH 6267Multivariate Statistical Analysis3

Numerical Analysis

MATH 6640Introduction to Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations3
MATH 6643Numerical Linear Algebra3
MATH 6644Iterative Methods for Systems of Equations3
MATH 6645Numerical Approximation Theory3
MATH 6646Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations3

College of Sciences B.S. in Mathematics + M.S. Degree Program in Mathematics

The Georgia Tech College of Sciences BS/MS degree program enables highly motivated students with strong academic credentials to earn a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and a Master of Science in Mathematics. The BS/MS program prepares students for competitive career placements with higher earning potentials as well as competitive admission to Ph.D. and professional programs (including medical/law/pharmacy/dental/pharmacy schools). Thesis and non-thesis options are offered for the BS/MS program.  Undergraduates with a significant amount of AP/IB/dual enrollment credits are highly encouraged to apply to the BS/MS program.

Admission and Program Requirements:

1.  To apply to the program, students must have at least 30 credit hours earned at Georgia Tech with an undergraduate GPA of 3.3 or higher, and fewer than 90 credit hours overall (including transfer credit).

2.  If admitted to the B.S./M.S. program, students must complete six credit hours of MATH coursework, with grades of B or higher, that can be used to fulfil the BS and MS requirements, except seminar, reading or research coursework. This coursework must be completed prior to earning the B.S. degree and proceeding to the M.S. program. These credits will be counted towards both the BS degree and MS degree. Due to the flexibility in selection of courses that may count for the BS and MS degree, MATH academic advisors will communicate with the Degree Certification Team in the Registrar’s Office regarding which specific courses (i.e. six credits) are double counted for the BS and MS. This step will assure that degree audits are completed correctly

3. Students considering the M.S. Thesis Option are strongly encouraged to begin undergraduate research early in their B.S. program of study. The student must identify the M.S. thesis advisor prior to completion of the B,S, degree and proceeding to the M.S. program. Research described in an undergraduate thesis submitted as a part of the B.S. Research Option cannot be used in the M.S. thesis.

4. The minimum GPA for graduation with a B.S. in Mathematics to continue to the M.S. program is 3.00. The minimum GPA for graduation with the M.S. is 2.70.

5. The requirements for the BS can be found in The requirements for the MS can be found in Both requirements are to be fulfilled by the end of the studies to be awarded the BS and MS.


Students pursuing the BS/MS Option in Mathematics must complete all requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics program and the Master of Science in Mathematics program. Students may use a maximum of 6 credit hours of approved coursework (4000-level or higher; not seminar or research credit, MATH 6701 or MATH 6702) in Mathematics with grades of B or higher from the Bachelor of Science program of study.