Undergraduate Embedded Certificate in Special Studies in Biological Sciences

Biology undergraduates may propose their own customized certificate, subject to review by the Biology Undergraduate Committee. Students are encouraged to work with their Biology Academic Advisor in designing any customized certificate. The customized certificate must meet the following criteria to be considered by the committee: 

  • The courses used to complete the certificate must be centered around a biological theme and/or subdiscipline 
  • Students must propose an appropriate name for the certificate relevant to the theme, include justification for each proposed course in the certificate explaining how it relates to the theme, and why and how the proposed theme is sufficiently distinct from the above certificates 
  • Minimum 12 credits, including minimum 9 credits of BIOS coursework and maximum 3 credits of non-BIOS coursework fitting within the proposed certificate theme 
  • Minimum 9 credits of 3xxx or higher coursework 
  • Maximum 6 credits of Special Topics 
  • Maximum 3 credits Transfer Credit 
  • Courses may not be double-counted toward more than one certificate or minor